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Good tune here

Now this was very neat, it seems to be a fan fave, This tune seems to be a longer version of tunes, but still seemed as if you could have put much more other themes, kinda like some "VARIATY" of differant mixes and such, just an idea to make it longer and adding some variaty to it, This has a good tone, great for a good action flash like some sticks fighting and such, so with all that said, i really enjoyed this, didnt get bored so you kept me interesed with your tunes, and in the end it was notbad at all, anyways keep up the good work.

Would love to see more of a mix of variaty in this, something you can try for a future one, or even an upgrade on this one.

Very short needs more depth to it

Hmm well first off this was pretty short that would probably be the first issue you want to fix up, well it is a loop, but should be somewhat longa, just something with abit more depth in it, Now as for the loop, its actually kinda catchy, but is again just too short, its basicly the same thing over and over, so i suggest adding abit more "TUNES' to it, something that will stretch it abit more, it is a cool loop just needs abit more, but anyways hope these tips help on making a better track or even song. but anyways goodluck.

Make it longer with more depth and a few more tunes to it.

Nice and unique

I dont hear much of this style but i have to admit it was not like the other simular ones seems like you really have put effort in the raping and stuff, like i said i dont hear much of this style but i like how this was differant and much effort that really put it seperate from the others so nice job indeed, Even the end was a nice touch for the end, very fitting i thought, So all and all a very good work of music here, i like the differant style. keep up the good work.

I think making it more unique with some more backround mixes might help that.

Abit slow but i liked it.

Hmm well this started off abit slow, thats not a bad thing at all, it was pretty good of a track just seemed to start off slow, im actually thinking if you could speed that up abit or something it might help abit, Lots of emotion in this one it tells with the sounds, and shows the effort you put into this so nice work indeed, try and speed up the start somewhat, and maybe even some other differant sounds throught the track that give it more depth, so that and speeding up the the start, just needs abit umpm umpm to it.

So as i said, needs some faster feel at the start that increases to the middle, and some backround effects that gives it a more feel in depth.

Great effects again

So here we have another great {REMIX} of another great game, i have not had the pleasure to hear all your works but just by the few i have and this one it is very good now this one on a megaman one was great, you added the quality and gave it a style of your own at the sametime wich is always a plus, so props to you there on an awsome job once again, i will look and listen to more of your stuff soon, as for improving on this one, more effects to make it your own is always a plus, anyways nice job.

So as suggested more effects to really make it your own.

Good soundtrack of the game

Now this was notbad of a video-game remix kinda takes you back and all, i like some of the {EFFECTS} you had in there, like with the pitch and all really made for something better and showed the quality much more, now i must say this one was abit hard to review but the overall on this was that you made a decent soundtrack from a great game of the past and then even added abit more to it with the effects and all, now for improving purposes i would say add more of that pitch and effect you had in there more of it will be better, anyways nice job.

you can do alot for improving purposes i would say add more of that pitch and effect you had in there more of it will be better, also new and differant effect sounds wouldnt hurt either.

Could use more but still awsome stuff

This sounds pretty good, infact i like it good quality if you ask me, seems abit on the {DRY} side at times though, the piano is ok but i think you need more {VARIATY} more then just the piano and you have to push them all over the edge so it doesnt have that dry feeling, now you did have some more enhanced feel later and that was nice to hear, so props to you there, now some deeper sounds could help especially like at the ending with some sorta {CLIMAX} but from what you do have it was alright, anyways nice job.

Some more variaty of sounds would be a plus, maybe even some climax at the end.

Very faint

huh im not sure but there was very little {SOUND} at all on this one, i heard some taps somewhere in this one but its so {FAINT} you should add much more and make sounds much {LOUDER} more drums, more sound/fx. some backround effects and a variaty of new instraments woould really brighten this one up, but really other then that there was not much else to comment since it was very faint, good luck on anything new, but i do look forward to hearing much more from you and maybe even an update on this piece.

you should add much more and make sounds much {LOUDER} more drums, more sound/fx. some backround effects and a variaty of new instraments woould really brighten this one up


ok so cool audio track, decent sounds but its really just the few sounds now when i first heard it, it sounded like a start to a great track you should really think about making this longer and more into a song you have the feel for it just needs more of the same in a longer tune and track, nice job overall as a loop and sound/fx its great, so nice job indeed on this one but does need more, untill next time good luck.

so as i suggested could use for more effort more making this loop into a song, more of what you have and just make it linger

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