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Could use a few backround effects

ok so this was not bad, i kinda like it but does seem like it could use some changes and fixes for the better infact it would sound better with some special effects in the backround these are some ideas just too mix around and dont really want to take away from what you are trying to do with this piece but it does need some little fixes and changes wich will in the longrun make it more better and much improved so try some effects and other stuff for the better, untill then good luck on your next one.

i mentioned a few changes like some effects just a few little things here and there wouldnt hurt, and maybe even make it abit better


So this was an alright tune here it was short but also was cute like in the fact that it {MOVED} along really quick but thats what made it cute, so nice job on that part of stuff, i did find it entertaining and just overall amusing so again nice job, it was kinda loud at the start but still had its better moments from there it seemed to get much better and as alright i thought, its a good tune like i said amusing and entertaining so to better this tune work on the loud part at the start, other then that its a pretty good piece i thought, anyways nice job

to better this tune work on the loud part at the start, just a little lower sounding there will be fine

Good variaty in this one

First off this is pretty fantastic also the reason why it scored so well, but anyways has a great beat right from the start very enjoyble, has a sense of style to it, kinda makes it have a unique style, It has a dark feel to it, which is something i also liked, but also seemed you had abit of variaty in there aswell, maybe you should have it more on the lines of one theme, might be better flowing that way, Now i must say one thing you did so that was awsome was not let it get stale, like for me i actually enjoyed it from the start to the finish, so nice effort there.

There seemed to be alot of variaty on this, so im thinking have, a more main themed feel to it.


Now i have heard a few of these and this one is a pretty good one, one of the top three i would say, the quality of this is really good though and thats one of the reasons why i like it, very good sounds here, so awsome job there, I have never really heard the game itself, but this seems like it was an awsome game and you gave it that right touch of sounds so once again nice job there, So this was great through and throuigh, has its pleasent them, and will pick up now and then, so glad i was able to hear this one, and i will look for more of your work soon, anyways good job here.

It was a more soft them track but you should give it some crazyness every now and then or maybe more towards the end some deep base would be neat.

It needs more mixes and sounds

This was pretty decent i thought, It was lacking more differant sounds you seemed to have one style going in on this, it was not a bad thing just felt it lacked other sounds that could have made it more better then what it is,You did give it a feeling of something was gonna happen so that i did like, but still lacked as i said before and below, so add abit more to it, it needs that jump into the next part of it so it doesnt sound so dull, not that it was just needs abit more to it, so good luck on your next entry, i look forward to see what you bringout next.

Ad more variaty of sounds, differant mixes of tunes to bringout more style in it,

Rough one

this one sounds ok, but doesnt have that "UMP" that your other stuff has, and you may want to rework it to give it that ump feel more beats more upbeat feel, It just needs abit more harder feel since that was the rout you seemed to be going about. just an idea there to think about, as this didnt seem as quality good as your other more pleasent ones, maybe thats the key maybe the rough sounding stuff is just not getting the rewards the other stuff brings out, anyways it was all good stuff i thought.

This could be better but felt it was abit too rough, maybe tone it down just abit.

Too soft

This sounded too {SOFT} and i guess it is a loop as short as it is, its just too dry sounding and

too soft as mentioned before, it needs some {VARIATY} and could be longer with other {SOUNDS} and

instraments, needs some backround {EFFECTS} that could come in and out, its basicly just a few

sounds and thats it, give it some style and more variaty, its great as a loop but has potential,

to be more of a tune and such, i can see it used in flashes but again still needs more, anyways

nice job

as mentioned needs more variaty, and more backround sounds aswell.

Differant but brilliant

The idea for this one is pretty neat, not modern times at all and thats what makes this pretty neat, and makes it somewhat unique and differant, so for that i give you props on this sound, It has a good action theme about it aswell, and that also makes it fun, great for use in some sction scene of flash and this seems pretty popular, You seem to put alot of effort and really made it yours so for the effort alone you also get props,, this is a pretty awsome piece if i ever heard one, so nice effort all around, hope to hear more of your work soon.

As to what to improve on, make it longer more of that old style sounds would also be nice.

Some interesting music here, i enjoyed it

Now here you have alittle of the same yet something differant also, one thing i did notice was that it, was too short, so you should really think about adding some more to it, a few more sounds and mixes here and there can only make it better and abit longer makes it more into a track then anything else, so give it a try and see what happens, but anyways In the short time i do like how it works up to something better and more intense beats, This seems like a good game level, but regardless nice sounds here keep up the good work.

Make it longer, its a tad too short from what you have on it.

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