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Well its ok, but the happy birthday theme is very distorted there is some {STATIC} in the backround not sure what it its coming from, could be too close of a recording, or maybe a bad mic, and whatever it is, it really distorts the tune, you should clear it up because it makes the quality abit on the low side, seems like you do have something there, but that distortion and or static is killing this track so look-into it and maybe you can clear it up for a better sounding tune, anyways good luck on your next piece.

Well as mentioned above the static is hurting the sound, clear it up make it abit better quality in that aspect

This was differant

So this was differant, i like all the differant sounds and even {SOUND/FX} the deeper sounds are pretty good in this and this has a good and dark feel to it wich is nice, but it does seem to be missing something maybe because its so short as a loop, but still is pretty entertaining, so as to improve on something like this, such as, making more of a {TUNE} out of what you do have since you do have good few sounds of this, but anyways nice job and good loop just put more effort into this and make it even much better,

As suggested above, some changes could be made to make it even better.

Nifty style with this one

Ok so this was notbad, it has that {DARK} feel wich is ok with me, actually its great like that, Also has a very original style so props to you on that aspect of the tune, Now this lil track was notbad and had an almost sense of {FANTASIA} feel, kinda like color being splashed all over and what not, you have it flowing well so more good effort on your part here, so nice job on that once again, But anyways thanks for the pleaseure to listening to this very nice indeed.

I think it was just right as is,

Needs more variaty

hmmm this could have had alot more of sounds. and effects in it, seems like you had just the {DRUMS} going, and thats all it basicly was, you should really think about adding much more to this, some guitars some sound/fx, and some decent backround sounds wouldnt hurt., just tapping on drums isnt much for this even for a loop, so i hope to see better improvments with this one, dont get me wrong its a nifty sound/fx but still needs much more, anyways untill next time good luck.

adding much more to this, some guitars some sound/fx, and some decent backround sounds wouldnt hurt.

Smooth feel of emotion here

This was a really nice and {PLEASENT} piece, It also has this feeling then kinda takes off focusing on more intense emotion, wich you really made that show off well so very nice job on bringing that out, Great job on a nice little beat and flows thru decently without really jumping off track, so once again awsome job on this i really like it, Now if i could add any improving points i might say have it end with a more {BANG} like feel, nothing major but maybe something that will give the listener an unexpected cliffhangar at the end, anyways loved it.

A small suggestion of giving the end abit more of a {CLIFF-HANGAR} something thats more unexpected.

Metal sounding somewhat

Ok so this was notbad at all, it did seem a little repetitive? maybe if you added a mixture of sounds and instraments you could change that? Now i am a fan of {METAL} so i can say this is notbad in that aspect of things, it could have more variaty in there though, but it does have that metal feel, so nice job there, now as explained below you can add some variaty maybe a differant {MIX} of sounds and instraments, just a tip there for improving this to sounding even better like metal, but for the mostpart i really liked this piece, so awsome job, hope to hear more of your tracks soon.

Adding some mixture of sounds and maybe even some differant instraments could give it that extra touch and probably introduce new and deifferant sounds.

Love the change of tempo

Now this was notbad at all, it actually has alot of stuff going on and seems to go up and down here and there so you do have differant {TEMPOS} The song or tune was not that long not more then a minute or so but still i thought it was alright, maybe some improving changes would keep what you have there but {STRETCH} it out abit more so maybe it lasts longer then a min or so, I really like how you change it up and have a reall power tempo towards the end nice touch there, so anyways nice job on this one, love the fact its not just straight forward,

I would suggest making it longer maybe go up into two minutes.

Kinda short but still nice

Ok so this was really short, but you did have a nice beat kinda like techno or something, but still i thought it was still too short you may want to think of ways how you can stretch it to be much longer and such, but for the most part its a good tune very good quality, It was kinda hard to critique it but again great for the mostpart, only improving changes i could see, would to be make it longer and with more of that same quality you already had going for it, anyways nice job all around on this though.

Maling it longer with more or less of the same quality, just seems kinda short.

Nice maddness theme

Now this was notbad again, it is not very {ORIGINAL} because of its theme and all but you did give it a somewhat change here and there with the {FADING} and such so that was a nice change to the theme of maddness and all, now i must say this did keep me interested, i think it did lack some more original tones that could have put it over the edge for me, but for the mostpart it was a good listen, so as for improving on anything maybe you could add some new {TUNES} in there with some sorta mixture but as not to take away from the theme you do have, anyways nice tune here it was ok.

Some new tunes mixed in with what you have could change it up and make it more your own while still keeping with the theme.

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