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Kinda short

ok so this was really short so i suppose its more of a {LOOP} then anything else, thats ok, but seems like it was too short, it has potential, to be better like with its own tune, but if its going to be just the loop as you have it here, why not make the {DRUMS} louder and deeper also making them {LONGER} lasting so making the tune longer would be a plus, these are just a few tips that would greatly improve on this decent loop just needs more effort on your end, nice job though.

needs to be longer and deeper sounding with the drumbs

Needs better qaulity

So as soon as this starts off, you can hear the bad {QUALITY} of it, maybe its the {MIC} maybe its too close to the playing, but it could and can be cleared up somewhat, maybe even getting a better mic might help, just a few tips, cause it was very distorted, cant even hear the tune with all the distortion, so ways to make it better might to be get a clearer mic or something not sure exactly what it is, just needs a fix in that aspect, cant hear the tune much, anyways good luck.

something with the mic or too close to the playing needs a better quality mic or something


well this isnt much just a loop and thats fine with me, but i still think you should add more to the loop itself, its a simple beat and needs more {UMP} to it, some deeper sounding instraments maybe some {PIANO} in there, but does need some more to it, its just too short too small too bland so making it longer and with much more {DEPH} to it would be interesting to take that loop and just stretch it with a mix of other variaty stuff, anyways nice job and good luck on any future endevours.

could be longer have more depth and much more variaty needs abit of UMP to it

Decent but kinda slow

Hmm notbad again with the guitar sounds, if you listen closley you can hear some ringing from the strings, now this was a much more {SLOWER} piece, you should try and speed it up, and again this one had that low quality like i was referring to in the other guitar solo, so some suggestions of improvment would be, Add more mix to the sounds and figure out that ringing tone, also speeding up the rythem aswell, now these are just a few ideas, eventhough this is an older audio track maybe you could still update, it anyways good stuff here.

Add more mix to the sounds and figure out that ringing tone, also speeding up the rythem aswell

Kinda slow

hmmm well its not bad but was still kind of slow, and there could be areas where you do {DEEPIN} in maybe adding some drumbs nothing to take away from the piano or anything but still something that can be presented to give the short tune more depth and longer sounding also not so dull with the straight forward feel but adding some slight variaty you can give it more quality and in general more people will be more interested, and son on, these are just some ideas that could make it much better

some extra instraments and more variaty would be interesting

Awsome variaty on this one

Now this was something differant, as it was not the same as others but changes up and shows how you gave this some good variaty to it, and that was neat cause it changes even the theme style, so again didnt have the same straight forward style but has variaty and thats what i really liked about it, good sounds too, You gave it like a {CLIFF-HANGAR} were something was always happing in a very explosive music thing, so awsome job in that sense, Love the variaty of differant sounds and such and you used them well with lots of effort and such, i was very impressed, so keep up the awsome sounds.

I would ad even more variaty then you already have it will push it over that edge, besides that its almost perfect.

YouriX responds:

Thanks! I guess i'll try to be diffrint in a diffrint way. Inception much? ;P

Its like the last one

This sorta sounded like the last once except you added some lighter {KEY-STROKES} on the piano wich was nice but it doesnt change it up much, it does give a nice pleasent feel more the the prevous one, but still needs that {VARIATY} something with other unique sounding instraments just a little anyways, now i could see this being used in a very slow and pleasent flash, so its actually ok, so improvmenst as suggested would be to add abit more variaty some differant sounds adding some depth, anyways notbad at all with this one.

add abit more variaty some differant sounds adding some depth

Love the fast beat on this

ok so now this has a fast beat and while it is just a {LOOP} i feel you could have done alot more with this like making it into a fast beat dance mix or something along them lines, the loop is too short even for the loop it needs more ump and more over the edge kind of stuff, but you do have a good start with this just make it longer more in depth and with alot of dance feel, its great stuff dont get me wrong but can be even better with a longer feel and more dance to it, anyways nice job.

Make it into a more fast dance mix it has the potential,

Nice beat

Nice tune here it has a very {UP-BEAT} feel and keeps you going so in away it is like the tittle reminds us, Dance could be a bit more faster and have it change up with even more differant mixxes aswell, but really for the mostpart its fast and upbeat, Must have been fun working on this, and i could really see this in maybe a flash someday yes ofcourse on that note, and now to Improve, well it already has the cheery and faster tempo, but like i was saying mix up the tempo also, so that it doesnt remain the same feel but picks up and drops down, just a lil tip though, anyways decent track.

As mentioned some faster and slower beats differant ones then you already have would be nice.

Kinda soft

Notbad just another little loop, its not a bad thing, but this could have been made into something more, kind of like a tune or song, the little {CHIMES} are cute and nifty but you should think about, adding more chimes maybe some other instraments that are simular and even in this case a {HARMONICA} would be great, sounds simular to the chimes, just a few tips there and it would greatly improve on things, as for the chimes you have, notbad at all, so improving would be a plus as you do have something here, anyways nice job.

as suggested, some new sounds being added in on this would be great all explained on this

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