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It can be longer

So this is actually not a bad {LOOP} and thats basicly what it is, just a loop, now i can see this getting better though, as the first thing i noticed is its too {SHORT} so ad more mixes of drums and such, the next thing i noticed was it was too {SOFT} so raise up the base abit give it that real drum feel, so more louder and deep feel to it so its not so soft, those were the main points of fixing this up, but for the mostpart i liked it so longer and make it deeper sounding is what i get from it. anyways good luck on your next audio release.

make the drums sound deeper, and louder, and also add more content making it longer.

Nice sounds

This has a very {RETRO} feel to it kinda like i was listening to something from the 70's or even 80's, the drums were a nice touch in this piece i think you should actually add more of the drums but with a higher bass sound. and adding some more variaty of instraments wouldnt hurt either, i like this track you have here its a nifty piece and i suggest working with it more and as mentioned give it more of that deep feel, more drums and more variaty from other uniquer instraments even some backround effects would be another nice addition, so anyways nice piece, i look forward to more of your work.

adding some more variaty of instraments wouldnt hurt either, also more of the drums with more of a deeper bass in there, And more variaty from other uniquer instraments even some backround effects would be another nice addition

Birdinator99 responds:

Thanks for the input, but this track isn't going anywhere haha

Unique but kinda silly

It seems as if this is a popular track here its used in a number of flash it seems, that shows how liked it is, so nice job there, its more silly then anything else, but thats probably why people like it, i found it very amusing, and entertaining, There also seems to be alot of differant stuff used, would have been nice if you listed all the stuff used, anyways nice hob. this was a unique sounding track and for that you have got my respect for this one, i only hope you make more just like this, anyways once again nice job.

I would try and ad more sylli stuff like you have in this one, maybe make it abit longer

Interesting and unique

So i have haeard a few of your other stuff, and this one seems to be more of my fave of your other works, This was an interesting track and its neat how other users are in it kinda, it has a unique feel to it and thats what i like about it mostly, But anyways now how can this be improved? i think its fine, but if anything is said, maybe more differant sounds more uniqueness if you will, the quality was pretty good so i was not too worried about that much, anyways good track, keep up the awsome sounds.

Some more sounds but more differant from what you normally here, just more sounds that can really make it even more unique then it already is.

Was fitting for the theme

This was notbad, it was actually pleasent at times, and does seem very fitting for a boss level ofcourse the tone changes up for that part as it should be, I woould like to see a mixture of beats and tones that really change it up and making it even better for a boss level, So while its notbad it could use some bigger beats and tones, i thought it was alright, anyways nice job. had fun with this one especially with it sounding alot like a {BOSS} level, anyways once again awsome job.

I would like to see more up beat stuff as it might seem more fitting.

Needs a more fuller feel

This was abit rock sounding but thats ok because thats the style i like but it was still not quite there but can feel it was almost there, seems like you pushed more of the solo side, and kinda left the rest kinda blah, so thats something to work on for the next one or something with this give it a more full feel, besides that it was pretty good stuff i thought, so keep up the good work and cant wait to hear some more of your newer stuff soon, untill then good luck, on whatever you have been working on.

So as explained uptop it lacked a more full feel and yougave it more of a solo feel so thats something that i can see improving on.

Sawdust responds:

it's an instrumental piece?

This was decebr, kind of dark feeling

Now this was pretty good i thought it was emotional and had a plaesent feel also presented some scary feel kinda like with {GHOSTS} but besides that this was notbad, would have been nice to get more of a darker feel more pushing the edge there but thats just me, and i only say that because it did have a dark feel building up, just something to think about, I liked this and was neat so if anything is gonna be improved, give it a more {DARK} feel you had something going but more would have been cool, anyways nice job.

As mentioned in the review, a more darker push would be nice, other then that i thought it was alright.

Nice guitar

ok this is actually notbad but a few things could be worked out on it for one its kinda {SHORT} and there seems to be some {STATIC} in the backround that could be cleared up somehow, so for the improvment parts of things better sound quality, make it longer with more of a song like feel, but its a good headbanger type of thing with the guitar blasting away, the onlything that really gets in the way there is the static that crowds up the sound quality, something to work on in an update of some kind.

As mentioned clearing up the sound quality would be a plus and making it longer more like a song would be a plus.

Very soothing and soft sounding

This was something {DIFFERANT} It was not all crazy and alot happening but you gave it a {SOOTHING} feel and sound wich was nice, and it didnt jump {OFF-TRACK} but stayed smoothly, now i suppose you could have bumped up the {SOUND} somewhat just a tad for not so soft sounding but seems like that was the way you were going but even with that said you still could push it just a bit, The song here is very soothing and at ease kinda like some calm waters or something, but if i can suggest any improvments i would say as said before, {RAISE} the Volume just a tad.

A suggestion was made about raising the {VOLUME} somewhat, nothing too crazy just something for more volume flow.

Decent and unique

Now this was sounding very differant from what you normally hear in here, not a bad thing at all, infact it brings more {VARIATY} to the audio portal, Mixing it with differant styles would be a nice touch on making it more your own, and with the unique sound its already headed that way, also loved how it just went into its own tone at the end there, kinda like a cliffhangar, but anyways still a nice set of tunes here, wouldnt mind hearing some more sometime, Improving on this? not sure but keep the flow strong with the arabic like sound its very unique.

Keeping the unique feel throughout the tune is imprortant, also mixing up your own flow of unique tones in there wouldnt hurt either

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