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Great vocals

Now this was neat, the solo was great, kinda neat, the vocals are great in this, I could see this being more dominate though especially at the ending, like a powerful cliffhangar bump and thump, Now the {VOCALS} are good but sometimes it goes in and out you need a more dominate focus there so that it all comes together and not just in parts, Now while it was very good, i could see it getting better with a few changes as suggested, maybe even more focus on the ending, but anyways for the mostpart i liked it, it was alright.

A cliffhangar ump and thump sound would be a nice ending climax feel, Maybe dont {OVER-USE} the vocals so much, More focus on the vocals more of a dominate role there so it doesnt break off and on at times, and last but not least, more {FOCUS} on the ending.

This was interesting

Now this was pretty neat and differant at the sametime, that odd voice thing gave it a somewhat unique feel to it, gave it some style and depth to it which really makes it comeout, so nice job there, Now the building up on this was very impressive, it really gets you into this and wanting it to really just keep going so that part i really enjoyed that, Also very good on getting this to flow as it did from the start to finish and just flows right on through, i did enjoy this. so keep up the awsome work.

I think the odd voice could be less used, its good to have but just too much is not needed.

Differant but i like it

Nice work with this one you have manged to present something such as a dark scary theme but then it changes off into something else like dancing or something i thought that was a nice touch, and the {LAUGHING-VOICES} sounded right on with everything else so nice touch on that, it made for some good uniqueness to an already great piece so awsome job there all around.the beat was cool kinda changes up from dark to kinda funny in a sense but that was just a slight interesting aspect of it so nice job all around once again.

Improvments? i would actually leave it alone but if anything have more of that change and variaty like from a dark feel to a disco like dance feel, if you can add other mixtures throughout the song that would be another awsome aspect of it all

Too short

So this was a loop but it was still short, could use it as a sound/fx but seems like you coulod have done alot more with this maybe some sorta changing but i think you could stretch it somewhat more, more into a song or tune, and with the sounds you do have you could probably pull i off but you will need more variaty more differant {INDTRAMENTS} and even other sound/fx sounds and stuff like that , that will make it into something better, but anyways it is ok for the sound/fx alone.

As stated above needs more changing and improving stretch it into a song more variaty of instraments

Could have more depth to it

So this was very short and seemed much more like a loop then anything else now ofcourse thats what it is, now im thinking this could use much more depth to it, so adding abit more to it making it longer and just more mixes of music type of stuff would work abit better, well just a few ideas to stretch it out abit, i like it for the time it is just needs abit more in there, so anyways notbad and good luck on your next entry.

So as explained ad more depth and make it longer, some new mixes in there wouldnt hurt.

Kinda jazzy sounding

So this was differant, and seems like you were going for that "JAZZ" feel, it had abit of that but sometimes it changes up to something else, cant put my finger on it but just has a differant feel, i would really try and spruce it up more though, with more jazzy instraments, think of more stuff and emotion from like new orleans feel to it, and that, but anyways its a good start just has a hard time getting to what you want, and dont get me wrong it does, just needs more of it, so good luck on the next try.

As explained above.


Now this seems to be one of your earlier tracks, well its your first, and while its not your best and i see you made some mixes from it, its alright but i would have to say the mixes were a tad better, now dont get me wrong this was pretty good for your first works, it could be improved, like what you did with the mixes and all, has a nice feel and with abit more over the edge stuff it will be brilliant, so on that part of things its pretty decent, i will have to checkout more of your tracks, for now, good luck on any new stuff.

You have already improved on this with the mixes so im ok with that.

This was original

Hmmm ok so this was something interesting, kinda original, but still with somewhat of a differant feel, so in that aspect of things its sorta unique, i did however think you could have made it more unique and give it some deeper bases sounds, but i must say it was pretty original, and like i said differant, So if i was to help and think of new ideas for this to be better it would be what i said before, adding some deeper bases sounds would really do the trick i think, just a thought anyways, but other then that its pretty good stuff, so keep up the good tracks.

Like said before, some more deeper and uniquer sounds more deeper base so it has a more heavy feel, in turn making it abit more unique.

Fix the sound

Ok so i was expecting something pretty good here, but you cant {HEAR} anything the {VOLUME} is way too low, you really cant hear anything, and i had the volume way up at the top level, so it does sound like you were trying to record just straight from the tv or something, it could also be the {MIC} maybe better quality of equipment, and a better way of recording stuff, possibly getting a soundbit would be another choice, these are just a few ideas to think about if you do ever decide to fix and improve on this, but regardless good luck.

a number of things i suggested above like, better equipment, better ways of recording and maybe a search from the net for soundbits would be nice.

Could be longer with more variaty

Now here we go again, i like your work but most of it sounds too soft and they are more like {LOOPS} then anything else, you could change that by mixing up the sounds with abit of variaty and differant backround sounds, this track is notbad, and abit better then the drums one, just would love to see abit more variaty as it gets too {REPETITIVE} sojust some ideas, but for sure make it longer if you can, this was ok, i kinda like the beat you got going with it, again just needs more to it, so work on those things mentioned and it will be fine and dandy, ok so longer versions seem to work better thats another thing to work on.

Make this longer ad more of a variaty of sounds even in the backround and should be all good.

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