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Slow beat

Ok so this is a rather slow beat, thats not a bad thing but, also seems on the short side of things and you do have a pleasent tune here just seems it may have come off better with more to it making it {LONGER} and not just a few seconds would greatly improve on such a nice piece cause it was very pleasent and such, and i did enjoy it for what its worth just wish it was longer, the {QUALITY} is pretty good if you ask me though, so other then the changes that should be made its a pretty decent track.

could be longer seemed too short, great stuff though.

Very pleasent and great build up

Now this was neat it really did remind me of the movie and the feeling so the {EMOTION} was there for sure and props to you for that one, I really like the instraments and sounds you presented in this one and you gave it some great {BUILD-UP} thats what really made it worthwhile and then gave it that emotion that made it awsome, so with that said it was a pleasure hearing and reviewing this, so anyways nice job i look forward to more from you soon, untill next time keep making great stuff such as this one here

I thought this was just perfect as is


Now this was actually a pretty {GROOVY} song here, it has a good balance about it, but its way too short, you should ad much more tune to it make it longer with some more depth just way too short even for a {LOOP} so its all a pretty good track just needs much more to it, there is abit of low quality to it aswell, but it does need more to it, but please dont get me wrong i do like this tune very groovy as i said, i could see this improved with a longer stream of what you got now, and just keep that tone and balance of it streaming along, nice job all together though.

Make it longer and fix the {QUALITY} to it, maybe less base and more higher volume could do the trick

Nifty tune

This is actually a pretty cute track you have here, but again its very short now i do understand its just a {LOOP} but thought maybe you could make it longer maybe ad abit more {DEPTH} to it, ad more sounds and mixes of tunes and such, so that it has that {DEPTH} someting that has more ump to it, i wouldnt mind hearing some new instraments either like, {FLUTES} {VIOLINS} and other stuff like that, it will give it a unique sound i thought, and these are just some ideas that could help improve on this delightful piece you have here, so good luck on any new stuff you work on,

Make it longer, ad more depth to it, maybe some new sounds such as violins and flutes

Cyberdevil responds:

Thanks for the review!

Too short

Fast loop you have here its kinda differant but its really fast, you should probably make it abit longer if you can, maybe slow down all the differant {SUND/FX's} i like the drums and stuff at one point seems like there is running steps or something but its still a neat little process, but again this was just too {SHORT} add more to it, more longer sounds and have more of a build-up somehow, its just too close together everything is all bunched up, {SPREAD} it out some, but anyways it was notbad, i liked it for a little loop that it is, hope to see other versions later, thats if you still make stuff.

Spread out the sounds abit its too bunched up, also making it longer with more of a tune would also be a nice touch.

Cyberdevil responds:

Thanks for the review!


This was pretty neat, i especially like the {GUITARS} on this one, i did however thought the {DRUMS} were so-so, could use more creativity there and more differant sounding drums would have been nice, just a few things i noticed on the drums though, the {VOCALS} were notbad but maybe not so much out there, give it some more style to it and abit more quality, but as for this tune you got here its pretty neat, needs abit of cleaning up here and there, and some work with the drums and should be a ok, so keep up the decent work as this was notbad at all, anyways good luck on the next one.

The drums could be worked on abit more aswell as some work on the vocals, but all was pretty nifty

Drums abit loud

This was a good tune here it has a really great buildup and when it does get to that point it really just takes off into something reall awsome and the tune was very kicking at that point, took awhile to get there but once it did it was amazing so fantastic job on the build-up, The drums were pretty neat but seemed abit much at times cant figure it out exactly but something, but anyways it was a pretty good tune, the onlything i could really see fixing up and such would have been the loader drums being abit less louder hehe, but really that was the most of it, so anyways good piece here hope to hear more from you soon.

like above just the drums was abit loud lower them just a tad. other then that it was pretty impressive.

Awsome track

Now i must say this did kinda remind me of final fantasy and stuff, so you have a good mix there as it does sound like it, so props to you there for that part, The quality of this was notbad at all, no real flaws in this one, you really put fourth a good quality song here and it just oozes, awsomness so once again props to you on a good piece, but anyways i wouldnt mind seeing this improved, maybe some more mixes in there also for that extra touch and all, but regardless its been a pretty good track. anyways keep up the good music making.

Spice it up with more variaty, but try not to take away too much from the ff theme.

Pretty good stuff

Now this was ok, seemed to pick up as the song played threw, wish it kinda picked up abit faster thought, it was notbad though and i like it, also could have used more variaty for extra measure, It was nice to listen to, nothing too crazy but still something pretty good, but anyways it was a good track, could have more "VARIATY" to spice up things abit better, and thats one idea, another idea on improving onto this might to raise the "TEMPO" alot faster as you start playing it, just an idea though, regardless its pretty good i thought.

As stated, raising the temp would be one way, and a much more variaty of mixes in there aswell.

Seemed too long

so like this was notbad at all, could have used more variaty and all, also it seemed abit on the long side of things so thats another thing you could fix on this just to make it much better, i did think it was just too long and needed abit of cutting down abit, just a thought for the next long one if you ever make more, Some differant sounds here and there and random moments would have been nice also, these are just a few ideas that could spruce this up to be better then before, but i did like it, so notbad work, better luck next time.

Could be improved on a number of things, not that it was bad or anything but could use some improvments like, make it shorter and also differant sounds in random places and times.

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