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Awsome violins

Now this was pretty awsome i like the sounds of the {VIOLINS} really brings something neat to the table and you really gave it that sharp sound so props to you on this one, so nice job with that, The {GUITAR} was neat also but i think the more dedicated power was in the violins so nice job there, so with the guitar and the violin, it sounded pretty good, i do like the mix of the guitar, so again nice job there, how to improve on something like this, not sure it was pretty positive all the way through, maybe more guitar on a more deeper tone, just an idea but just might do the trick, for the mostpart it was a nice tune, so keep up the awsome work.

Some quality issue with some static, but it was pretty good.

Love the drums on this one

I like just about everything in this one, especially the {DRUMS} they were pretty intense right from the start, i think if anything is improved on this it would probably be abit more on the drums, but sofar you have some amazing sounds with the drum base, Now sometimes throughout the track it seemed as if the same tunes were used so it sounded the same, thats something you could change up abit, so that it doesnt sound the same all the time, I really like the ending of this that was a nice touch, but again this is where it sounds the same mostly so i suggested a few things that could improve on the track and hope you do someday, but untill then, this was a great piece.

some more drum use would be awsome allthough you have alot of that in there, Try and change up the track so it doesnt sound the same down the stretch other instraments could be a new change for this one, maybe even some vocals to really spice it up

Needs abit more

Ok so this seemed abit too loud, you may want to tone it down just a tad, it wouldnt take anything away from what you are trying to acomplish it just needs to be more clearer and when its that loud it muffles up the tune itself, so this is the first thing i really noticed, but also its the main issue with this as all, and an easy fix i would think, The track it self is actually pretty good and i enjoyed but again too loud you can even hear abit of {STATIC} and im sure im not the first to tell you this, but to be honest this was really the onlything on this that bothered me, but other then that its a good tune.

As said just moments ago, have it redone with not so loud sounding, doesnt have to be soft but try and do it so there is no static after sound, cause that just seems sloppy.

Notbad could be longer though

This seemed abit on the {SHORT} side, its nice work dont get me wrong, i like it, and like how you just started into things didnt mess around at all and that wa sprobably what i liked about it mostly so really nice job there, the {DRUMS} and {GUITAR} was really good with this, but again this was just too short and lacked variaty, the guitar and drums were awsome, but still felt it needed that extra puch that would have set the tone for a more perfect feel, also adding onto it with some depth so that its abit longer would also help to improve on this. so anyways good start but in the end needs more effort.

A good track but needs to be longer, needs more depth and while the drums and guitar are great still needs more variaty of instraments

This was notbad

Now this was decent it was hard to understand at times but its still an ok piece, you need more backround sounds and effects to reflect better with the rapping so that it all works better you have a good {TEMPO} going but more effects related would really work also try not to be so repetitive as it just seems abit too much in that area, so all and all its a decent piece but still could be worked on for better improvment, but anyways nice track here and would love to hear some more of it soon maybe even a new verion untill then good luck on your next piece.

Needs less reppetitivness, more effects and sounds in the backround that match along with the rapping

Oh a tribute like thing

nice to see that you did this for someone else it was kinda neat if you ask me, its a good track has some really nice quality to it, its very mellow and simple audio track but for some reason it works that way, and i like it, really nice ideas here with the simoplicity of it all, This kinda puts you in a nice envirment and maybe thats the idea, but for the most part it is very pleasent and i was glad i was able to listen and even review it, so nice job indeed.

As to improve on this piece i would suggest maybe some picking up abit towards the end there nothing wrong with it really but wouldnt hurt to pump it up just abit at the end

Crisp and clear

Now this is one of the better songs, so props on that to start off has some good clear crisp quality and thats one of the most important things i look for in tracks, I like how you built it up from the start and slowly pick up to some good intense beats really like that so again nice idea there, So all in all you have really put your heart into this and it shows in the sounds and ideas which i was really impressed with so nice job indeed on this, i really enjoyed it, anyways keep up the good work, i look forward to more great stuff.

to be honest i thought it was just right but if anything you could probably stretch it out abit more

Could be better

Now this was notbad had a very simple feel to it wich was ok, the backround effect that keeps on over and over seems abit too repititive if you ask me, and you probably want to add some more {VARIATY} of sounds and instraments, these are just a few tips that would make it sound somewhat better, this is actually a good piece just needs abit more over the edge while still keeping the same simpleness of it, anyways good luck this was a decent pice and i look forward to hearing more soon, anyways nice job.

Remove some of the backround effects, give the tune abit more edge, not so simple, Also could use alot more variaty to it,

Unique and differant

I was pretty amazed with this right from the start, i especially liked how you changed {SPEEDS} from slow to fast that really gave it a jump and made it more unique so nice job on that part of things, the song did last abit long, three minutes i believe, but that was ok, i think if it went any longer then that it would have been too much, but you put the right touch on it wich was an awsome piece so props to you formaking it go so well. now as for improving on this piece, more of the slow and fast paced style workes but really mix it in there with more variaty of stuff maybe even stuff that you dont hear, anyways nice track here, and good luck on anything new in the near future.

So improving on this piece, more of the slow and fast paced style workes but really mix it in there with more variaty of stuff maybe even stuff that you dont hear, maybe even a harmonica? lol

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