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Love the intro

This was a pretty neat start the {INTRO} in my opinion was the best part and really set the tone for the rest of the track so props on creating something really awsome and something that really sparks the interest to get things going, more audio makers should do that, but anyways props on that, I really like the touches you put on this like the {VARIATY} and how the tune actually progresses to a deep sorrow to something very flavorful, so again mad props for you on those little things that really made this something special, now i cant wait to hear some more of your works, but anyways great stuff on this one, so dont stop now, keep on rocking.

Now this one was hard to decide on as everything really did come together very well, but if anything is suggested i would say more depth in the intro as that set the tone for everything else, maybe abit longer? and slightly deeper at the end, just a suggestion though.

Neat and nifty

Well this had a great feel to it and all, its very nice feeling, with almost some sorta hidden message, it had a strange sound to it aswell, but also had a unique feel, i like the differant sounds this gave off, and was very well presented, now how can this be even better presented, sofar its pretty high quality style, and if i were to suggest anything at all, it would just ad another mix of sounds, it already has a mix of good sounds, but more of that could give it that much more, of the strangness that it already is, its awsome though, cause it does sound differant and thats what i like the most of it, so i say keep up with it,

This was awsome and differant but i think it could be improved with more mixes of the stranger sounds and such, just a thought though.

margarine responds:

Thanks for commenting. Most of the weird noises were created from bashing the piano in various ways, rapping on the wood, zinging the strings inside it. I recorded this a loooong time ago, had almost forgotten about it!

Awsome and differant

Now this was something differant, i was kinda sadnened because it was not a full version or anything like that or anything, but this has a nice "BEAT" a really good beat infact and i had wished it had abit more and finished ofcourse, the "SOUND-EFFECTS" in the backround really put this on my faves list as the sound/effects made it differant and really just added to the track here, but again wish it was finished as i really enjoyed this one, Now with that all said, i hope you do or did make the full version cause thats something i would like to hear, but for what it is, is pretty good track.

The one thing that could be improved is for there to be a full and or completed version this was just a bit of it and a full version would show off the full presentation of the good track that it should be.


Now this was pretty awsome if you ask me, i like the combonation of differant tunes in here and you can hear it change off, so that was a really nice touch, i wouldnt mind hearing more combonation such as you did here, so nice job on being "CREATIVE" on the combination of two totally differant tunes, but you made it work and thats what impressed me, But anyways as mentioned before this could be better if you added even more variaty so why not ad another mix even a fourth one, it could really give variaty, of style and introduce new styles in the track, it would be something really differant but just a thought.

Adding more variaty would be my first bet to improve on this, you already have a good mix but by adding even more will bring it out even more.

Interesting i like it though

Nice track here, good style, i think the best part was the guitar you really put that part together well, and not just because i love "GUITAR" themes, but because you really presented some nice guitar playing, so props to you on that awsome piece of guitar, Now the "VOICES" were pretty good too but might have been if they were more real sounds, and such, But this sounds so-so, but anyways it was a pretty good piece, i just feel it needs more effort especially on the voices, , but for the mostpart, it was a pretty good track and wouldnt mind listening more, but anyways keep up the good audio music.

First of all i suggest adding more guitar in this piece, also the "VOICES" seemed odd, maybe more real sounding ones would be better and have an overall better effect,

Its decent could use more variaty

Well this was notbad but the {QUALITY} was not so good, maybe it was too close to the mic or something? but maybe a more clearer sharper sound would work, maybe even a better mic at times, the guitar loop is ok, and i could see it being used in parts for flash and all, but still needs some cleaning up, i wouldnt mind seeing you mix it up with deeper sounds of the guitar aswell, for the mostpart it was ok, maybe adding some new sounds would help muffle the low quality aswell, just an idea or two there to help improve on this nifty little loop, anyways good luck on your next entry.

The quality was off, maybe a better recording program, i always find {GOLDWAVE} to be a good program, or maybe even a better mic, or better mic practices

Abit on he short side

Ok now here is something i was getting into, the drum part was pretty good, but thought you should have had much more of that and on a more deeper base with some faster tone, This was a very short loop. i guess thats why its a "LOOP" so make it longer with more to it, So them are the basics of this little loop. now i do like it, just needs abit more kick to it and all, ofcourse you know that, but i think your strong points are the drums which i liked here you just didnt have enough of it, so hope to here much improving on this if not hope your new stuff is even better.

Have the drums more deeper and a faster tone, also you may want to add more content so making it longer will be ok,

Differant but i like

This was ok, i like how it starts and slowly getts better with the differant tunes and such, I did however think there could have been abit more {QUALITY} to it all, maybe abit sharper sounding and such, I wouldnt mind hearing some guitar in there maybe a soft feel of it somehow, maybe it doesnt mix, maybe it does, but would be interesting and maybe even make it abit more unique and all, something you could possibly try one of these times. but for the mostpart this was notbad and i really liked the differant feel of this, so anyways keep up the good work, i liked it, anyways good luck on your next entry.

Some strings as mentioned would be a nice touch and maybe a touch of something differant

Kinda differant but i like it

Now this was pretty interesting, i did however think you could have abit more {VARIATY} as it was more of a straight forward sound, its not a bad thing or anything like that, just needs more of a mix of other stuff aswell, As for the {SCREAMING} it was kinda odd, did add abit to the track, but still thought you could have gone with something else, maybe you could use more of an {ECHO} type of sound/FX something along them lines, and that would also help with adding some variaty as i explained it lacked, but anyways its a good track you have here, just needs abit more to it and maybe a change of the backround effect, anyways nice job.

Change the backround scream to more of an echo or something, and ad a more variaty of sounds in the tune aswell.

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