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Brilliant guitar work

More great guitar in this one, also like the addition of drums they both played a good role flowing into eachother, so in that aspect of stuff i was really impressed with the outcome, kinda reminds me of the old "80's" Rock bands wich i just loved, and again great job with the guitar it was very impressive, i absolutly loved every bit of this you really do have a great touch with the guitar i can see why you use it as much as you do, also love the soft touch you gave this, anyways awsome job all the way around, i look forward to more.

So this is where i suggest improvments, to be honest this piece dont need much of that, this one is actually perfect if you ask me, but if anything is said, i would add more of the drums that i heard in the begenning.

I love the guitar in this

Ok so i thought i would review the rest of your stuff, this one starts off fast and powerfull as you say, so i was impressed with that, and the "GUITAR" is really amazing you give it a good feel to the song, now as you mentioned before you dont go much for the light intentions but really like to bang it out, i was very impressed, great guitar playing i must add, if any suggestions of improvment are made, and not to take away from guitar just change it up here and there so that its kind of like an edge of differant tempos and such, just an idea though.

change it up here and there so that its kind of like an edge of differant tempos, go into some low and high keyes while keeping the same theme going.

I like this tune

I thought this was kind of short, it starts off really "SOFT" and needed some more feel to it in the starting only, as the song does pick up it gives off a pleasent feel, and reall seems to let go and flow with some awsome sounds, i wouldnt add anything on this but maybe only shorten the starting of the soft tone not by much though, you have some good quality sounds here and i was pretty impressed with it, just something about that starting that was just abit off.

The starting was too soft, even if that was the idea, it went on too long, also make the whole tune longer.

Pretty cool tune

Cool tune here, this kinda reminds me of that one song in the top gun flick, but anyways back on track with your tune here you seem to have lot of variaty on this and thats cool and all, i thought it was a pretty good tune, kinda dark at times but is still pretty good i thought, This was also pretty sharp sounding and i love how you switch on and off with this even the piano was awsome, so as for making this better i thought it was just fine as is, anyways nice work indeed.

It has a mixture of variaty sounds the best was the piano maybe focus more on that aspect of it.

This was decent

Notbad i like how the drums were used alot on this, and this starts off very good with some good and loud sounds but not loud bad, but some good quality soundwork and you bring the drum work together in a sharp sounding and nice tune here, this could be improved but im thinking some speed up of the tune so its faster sounding, and also bringing in some backround effects and or tune would also help to spice things up aswell, anyways just a thought or two there that could help.

Could be better with a faster sounding tune, maybe even some backround effect.

This was pleasent

This is actually a pleasent song here, it flows nicley, as for it being from mario, i suppose it could, it has some of that same beat and rythim, I did however think you could have had more mix and variaty in there for a more game like experience, now dont get me wrong it does have that game feel, just thought you could have pushed it more to the mario theme and game aspect of things, Now i could see this in a sprite action flash easy, as to improve, as suggested above add some more {VARIATY} and more mixture of other sounds and even some backround effects wouldnt hurt, nice music though, i like it, its very pleasent.

So some more variaty and more mixture of some new sounds but still on the same level as the mario theme would put this over the edge for me, hope it helps though

Sadness in this one

Now this was something else, i like how you really gave it a good feel with some good {EMOTION} to it you can feel it and hear it with the track as it plays out right from the start all the way to the end, so awsome job on that aspect of things, This had a very {SAD} feel which was not bad thing but you really went far and beyond, i did however think you could have pushed that emotion just a tad more to really bring that sadness out, now these types of audio tracks tend to be harder to review but you really showed me some good vibes with this one, so nice job. hope to hear more of your work soon.indeed.

Not much you can maybe more quality in the sounds of it and all, but for the mostpart it was right on, the emotion part was perfect so if anything i would want more pushing of the emotion to make that sad feel come out even more.

Great starting

ok so this was an interesting one and i guess it has that {ZOMBIE} theme going and i can hear that right away, the starting was awsome and had a great impact but throught the rest you didnt bring that power like you did when it started, maybe thats an improvment change you could bring into it at a later time, now there was alot to hear and alot of differant changes and such but i think you should stick with how it started and really roll with it, its an awsome piece just with it had that power edge like in the start. but still anyways i found this to be one hell of a pice.

the starting was the best part, if you could stretch the rest out like the starting maybe it would have more of an impact as the rest seemed to dwell down from the opening start.

Awsome druns, inro was too long

This had a sorta {SLOW} start but i thought that was not a bad nor was it great, but not bad at all, it was kinda soothing if you think about it so for improvment you could probably shorten it by about 10-15 seconds after we get past the whole long intro it really takes off into some awsome sounds so awsome job there, the {DRUMS} were very intense and thats what i mostly liked about it, it was abit hard to hear some of the {GUITAR} though maybe lower the volume on the drums abit, and some {VOCALS} really would {INTICE} this track, but anyways great stuff i did suggest a few things to make it even better, but for now it was pretty awsome.

Try shortening the {INTRO }by about 10-15 seconds, just seemed abit long before the actual song started, you could possibly lower the drums volum just a tad so that the guitars have some {FOCUS} that and the long intro it was decent work.

Wow Awsome

Awsome this is an awsome track you have here, the {GUITAR} was fantastic somewhere at the start i dont remember because i was amazed at the whole track, as you really have put your all, into this so nicejob all around on this, The {DRUMS} were pretty fantastic aswell, and finally the {PIANO} more of the focus of things here in this track, but was your masterpiece if you ask me, you will for sure get a ten from me on this one, i am becoming a fan of yours from this piece alone so awsome job here and really hope to hear more stuff like this, Now how can i suggest anything to improve on when this is perfect, all i can really say is keep rolling out these awsome yet unque pieces.

I looked to find something to suggest for improving, onlything i came up with, would be to make it longer and keep up with what you are doing, so awsome job, ill look for more of your work soon.

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