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Very awsome

Ok so i wanted to hear some of your new stuff and i really love the guitar and i guess you are right these newer pieces sound alot better, and you can hear alot more quality in these, i love the guitar but it was also nice to hear some "DRUMS" in there, so awsome job there, but i have to say you still can kick a good guitar with this one, now as improving, i dont know i honestly think this is perfect, anyways keep up the good work.

There really was not anything, i could suggest as this was pretty good if you ask me.

Metaljonus responds:

Thanks dude! i'm glad you dig it! It takes forever to do these drums but i'm still learning in everything and working on getting better at it. Thanks again for the awesome review be sure to check out my other stuff too! I got all kinds of cool stuff so check it!


I thought it was nifty sounding

Now this this was actually pretty good, and reflected off the game at hand very good and was just pleasent and just was very good sounding, kinda reminds me of all them games i played, the drum sounds you have in here was pretty impressive and really seemed to come alive, you seem to push the drums alot wich is ok but needs some other elements in there, i really liked it all though, and you have a decent build-up so that was pleaseing, can be improved with some deeper drum bass i thought, anyways nice job.

Some deeper bass as mentioned, but also needs some change up in the tune as more of a build up then you had. anyways good tune i liked it.

PaulyBFromDa303 responds:

Back then, getting the bass powerful without distortion was without a doubt, quite a chore. But it wasn't bad. Thanks for the review

Very impressed with this one.

Oh wow as soon as i heard the first few notes, i knew this was going to be an instant fave, and it is, i love those notes what is that instrament sounds like a piano or keyboard with some effect on it, but anyways you presented a very good piece i would even go as far as adding some sorta "ECHO" effect in there, for the backround to reflect off the main theme you got going with this, so nice job on this one. anyways keep up the good work.

So you have a good unique sound here its perfect with that alone, could use some of that as some sorta effect in the backround.

Pretty nifty

I like how this started, seems like alot of your style has some good qaulity, about it, very "SHARP" sounding, i really liked it and was very soothing, onlything was that the volume sounded abit on the low side, its still pretty decent i thought, now as i listen to it more its very one feel to it, maybe you should mix it up somehow or even change up the beat abit with higher and lower tones, anyways nice job on that, its pretty good tune here

Good beat here but could use a more change up so it doesnt sound the same all the time some differant tempos would be a start in the direction for something to change it up abit.

Decent but could use more depth

Wow this one was pretty wild, and great job with the drums and all aswell as the guitar seemed to work very well together, the drums could have had somewhat better quality like more deeper feel, This does need a temp change though, maybe some lighter feel then a deeper feel with the drums, or even go with the whole build-up idea, still allowing you to have that wild feel it does, but in turn you gave it some depth, anyways great job on this whole piece i liked it but can be better.

Could have some tempo changes as above reads, or even a build up method, maybe even adding some deeper sounding drums, great stuff otherwise.

I liked it

Hmm now with this one it was pretty good kinda of a short loop here, but the sound is "UNIQUE" i think with some more of the same theme and sounds you can make it into something more, the loop itself seems abit on the slow side aswell so "SPEEDING" it up wouldnt hurt either, its a pretty decent track and even had some vocals, but seemed kindashort and i think it could be much better with amixture of longer, and more of the unique sounding from the begenning of it all

Speed it up, make it longer, and add more mixture of sounds in there, besides all that groovy stuff i kinda liked it.

Decent tunes

So i like how this one starts off, and seems to really get into things i did however think it was sounding too low in volume wise, its ok but thought maybe it could have sounded somewhat better, i do love the "VARIATY" you give this as it sorta changes into one tune after the next, the circus one was really neat, i liked that one best of all, so some good variaty on this whole piece, very well done. hope to hear more from you soon, untill next time keep making these awsome tunes.

I think there was too much variaty and you had alot of mixture of differant tunes all good though maybe go with one type and use that as your main theme.

Great emotion on this

As soon as the audio started playing it gave me that sad feel, now thats not a bad thing just means you pushed that emotion over very well, thats one thing that really impressed me with this one,, and with the chimes that was that extra push i always look for so awsome work with those elements, now throughout this track you keep the flow of the sadness feel wich is another thing i liked about this whole piece, so nice job indeed, anyways great work with the emothion and this tune.

you had a sad feel with this, thats great but i would have liked to see you push up the sounds, and harder feel, while still keeping the emotion, but it was great as is aswell.

Good stuff on this one

OK so the guitar we have down you do a great job there, this one seemed not as powerfull as your other first pieces, im actually really starting to enjoy your power guitar, and it all comes out very clear, crisp and sharp so props to you on bringing good quality to this indeed, i like some of the "TEMPO" changes you gave that so it dont sound so mundane, but seems like this needed abit more of that power guitar, anyways great stuff i really enjoyed this.

This was lacking the power guitar you normally push in, oit was still great just needed abit more of that edge going for it.

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