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I liked it

Final fantasy is pretty cool, and i do see the or i mean hear the resemblance was pretty good, at first the starting of the tune kinda reminded me of one "LUIGIS MANSION"only cause it has that scary like feel, so you did get that portion of pretty good the rest does sound like the final fantasy series and what not, anyways a good tune here, very final fantasy, as for improving, some tempo changes more then what youhad but really not needed at all.

So as mentioned above, nice final fantasy themes here, and some temp changes here and there but nothing too drastic, other then that this was right on.

Pretty decent once again

ok cool another cool track this almost sounds like some of the megaman ones you have, i must admitt though its nice to see your work front pages and congrats on that, and you should be proud of the score its pretty good for the track you released here, in myhonest oppinion this is not your best and you still won so thats one reason to be proud, so nice job there, i like this track but like the other one i reviewed its need some of that harder tunes you can bring in, anyways nice job

First of all congrats on the front page, well worth it with this piece, this was pretty smoothall the way through, onlything on this i thought could be somewhat better would possibly be to add some of the harder tones just a tad here and there, anyways nice job once again.

Metaljonus responds:

Thanks dude! but this track is for my grandma who passed away when I wrote it. you may not think its my best but I put alot of emotion into it and think it is pretty good. I will probably go back and remix it to make it sound fuller but I got to find the session first haha. Thanks for the review.

Nice work

Hheh i dont know why but the mega man takes seem to remind me so much of the sonic takes from the game, maybe thats because i was more playing sonic games back in the day, but i must say i like this piece of yours aswell and this one is not as hard sounding as the others but really flows with the theme you have in mind, so that i was pretty stoked about, now i do have a likeing for your tunes and like that some are abit differant then others, anyways another nice piece here.

As for improving in on this one, i like the smooth flowing of it already. so i wouldnt touch it, but knowing me i always come up with one tip or two, and i suppose for this you could always throw in some harder soundsbut not alot just here and there.


Fantastic outcome on this, it was brilliant from the start starting off soft and just flowing through to the end, so this gave me a very soothing and pleasent feel from start to finish, the keyboard was the focus it seemed here and you played it well, you didnt go too hard but you made do with it and it turned into a great soothing piece, so awsome job on this and i was very pleased with this and the outcome, as to make this better? i think its ok, but if anything maybe some changes in tempo here and there just to give it something differant.

Some tempo changes could be placed but as is, its great and pleasent sounding, nice work indeed.

Needs more focus

Haha well i must say this is "DIFFERANT" has alot of differant sounds, and alot of variaty maybe too much variaty in this one, it has alot of wacky and odd sounds in this one, and its on that loop so you get all these weird and strange loops, i do like the bebop bop at the starting of it, im thinking you were just having some fun with this and thats ok too, but maybe for a more serous note you can focus on one or two sounds and go with it, anyways nice effort.

Toomany differant sounds, needs more focus on one or two of them for a more song like theme.

Fantastic vibe from this one

So this was decent, and all the sgments are pretty awsome you do give it a "POWERFUL" Feel its well presented and you bring it all together to represent newgrounds very well, some more slow temp feels here so wouldnt mind some faster temp ones, but for the most part this was pretty good, really sets the tone like in a vast landscape setting, very welldone on this, nice presentation for newgrounds.

Could use some faster tempos and such but for the mostpart this is pretty good stuff.

I love it

Very nice on this one, starts off very good fast and hard, and you mention no vocals but would be nice to get that going in on this, i have yet to hear a vocal version on one of your pieces, so ill wait on that, as for this one, i love you adding in some drums, takes time i know, but more of that type of variaty just makes these guitar pieces much better, dont get me wrong i love your guitar solos aswell, just the variaty brings it all together, anyways great track here with the drums and guitar.

Now that we have the guitar and drums lets have some slow and fast tempos, other then that this was pretty good if you ask me.

Metaljonus responds:

Thanks dude! Your reviews are mostly about variety and all that which is funny but its cool. When it comes to metal sometimes variety is out the window and its just straight brutalness! As far as vocals go I don't do vocals maybe with my band but not with my own music since I suck lol. thanks again.

Guitar rocks

Another great piece with some nice guitar playing and as for mega man this one was pretty good, kinda sounds more like something to do with sonic, but was still fitting to the mega man style allthough i have not seen a mega man games in ages, but like i said still good and i really love the vibe you keep going with thsi, its keeps going right from the start, very nice indeed, so as in the other reviews awsome job once again on the awsome guitar playing, ill look for more from you soon.

Great guitar playing, wouldnt mind some more variaty though but thats just me, its great as it is now.

Metaljonus responds:

Thakns dude! I am a guitarist dude that's what I do and play and practice everyday so variety is hard for me lol cause I love to play my instrument. So that is what I do! thanks for the reviews! keep em coming!


Ok This was pretty wacky had a very robotic and cartoon style of sounds, and seems like you had a good fast tempo with some interesting build up, but for the mostpart everything was very sharp and good quality sounding, now i know it was fast theme but maybe change up the speed here and there, it was really neat stuff, im an instant fan of this one aswell, so great job on this one, and hope to hear more great stuff from you soon.

Could use some "TEMPO" changes but it was pretty nifty tune, i enjoyed it alot.


Wow i must admitt this was pretty rocking the piano or whatever that was it was pretty kicking and you added alot of differant mixture and variaty, i love this for the differant changes you gave it, you had slow then a higher tempo really brilliant stuff here from start too finish my fave part is the deep keyes especially at the start, so awsome job indeed, as for improving i think its just perfect and im a fan of it, anyways great job keep up the good work.

I thought this was top solid, i think its perfect as is.so im giving a "10" i dont do too often but this was brilliant.

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