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Hmmm notbad on this one, i like how it goes right into it with such an edge and another great thing about this or i should say a few great things are one, you have a good sharpness to the sound, and second there is somewhat of some variaty in there wich is pretty good, and thats is nice, i even like the piano solo towards the end, so that was a nice touch, so as for improving on this fine piece, more of that piano would be nice but still great without any changes.

Some good sharp sounding tune here, very solid and has a nice quality about it, maybe more of that piano i heard in there more of a solo shot would be nice though, anyways nice work here

I thought it was good

This was a pretty good kicking sound, kinda reminds me of the house music i listen too at winter wonderland raves, its abit on the soft side you should add some bass in there with some power drums or something, i have to admit it is pretty good as it is but with a touch more on some deeper sounds possibly with drums aswell as changing up the beats and tempo here and there wouldnt hurt, nice track here i like it.

So notbad with this one, has a good beat, some areas of improving can be, more drums, more beats and change of tempos in and out, just a few ideas that could make this somewhat better, anyways keep up the decent work.

Decent but could be better

Ok so i really love how this starts off and like the "SOFTNESS" of it and seemes to have a decent build up, the low sounding touch of it was ok wish it was much higher in volume though, that might be the only downside of it, from what i can hear of it sounds pretty good, but like i said it is too low sounding, maybe a better mic is needed or something, anyways good piece here i rather enjoyed it but wish it was more quality sounding.

So as suggested above needs too be louder or atleast build up into a louder piece, this track was pretty good though, anyways keep up the decent work.

Pretty decent

Haha i really love that vocal at the start hehe that gave me a chuckle, then you go right into the playing with some nice drums that really make some great sounds on there own, this one is more ofthe hard stuff im ok with that, but probably not my fave but it does have its touch, i do like how you mixed in stuff, so anyways great stuff on this piece, really does have that kicking attitude. so not much more to say about this one, except that it was pretty impressive and i enjoyed it.

So again im at tht point were i feel it should be un touched, it is stand alone on its self, i did like the little vocal at the start maybe thats something you could mix through the whole piece some how, youknow for an extra mix of variaty hehe, anyways nice job

Very impressive

Oh wow i really love how this starts up has a slow feel, and then really builds up the drums really come in very good, and with some good quality to them aswell, then with the guitar you really give it a combination of good sounds, i just love how you can really wail on that guitar, i have a couple ele guitars myself and never really got the hang of it, it was probably me not reading notes right lol, anyways great stuff keep it up, i look forward to seeing and hearing more.

So this was very good, has some good quality, sharp sounding, and just very well played out, i normally suggest something to improve on in this one, but i must say that this one was alright and would leave it alone as its very welldone and of good quality

Pretty decent

ohmy this is a pleasent tune, now this was the type of style i was probably wanting to hear from you atleast once or twice, this is a more softer feel of your style and thats ok, i even like some of the backround effects and that was a nice touch making this abit more, then we go into some of the hard stuff, really neat stuff here on this piece, other then that it was alright, pretty good if you ask me, as for some improving, not so sure it was decent all the way around.

Maybe more focus on the softer touch here, the hard stuff is pretty good, but i did enjoy what you did with the softer touch, also thowing in more backround effects would be nice aswell.

Metaljonus responds:

thanks dude!

Very impressed with this one

Oh very nice with this one, now here you really push the build up, and the first few seconds of this track it has a unique sound, not sure what that was but would have been nice to have more focus on that aswell, but anyways the quality on this is top notch i can see and understand why this one got front paged so awsome job on that part of stuff, the sad part for me was that this was just a tad short, would have liked a longer version, cause you got some good quality playing with this one, love the guitar on this one, gonna add this one as a fave.

So great quality here, great guitar great jamming music with this one, only issue i found lacking was that it was too short, if anything else i loved the build up and would even suggest doing something more with the opening sounds that were kind of unique.

Metaljonus responds:

Thanks dude! This is the actual of the length of the song I was paying tribute too I could have went off and made it my own but I wanted to stay true to all of the fanboys on this site so I did hehe. you rock!


This is actually very beatifull, very pleasent, and you dont have much of a build up on this if there is any build up at all, its really slow, i do like the slow touch to this as it does give it a pleasent feel, but seems like it does need a push with some changes here and there on stuff, its pretty good for the most part though, and i came to enjoy this piece, so notbad at all, so a few improving tips might be, some tempo changes and maybe even some deeper beats some change up in the middle.

So i like the pleasent feel, of this it was pretty good, but at the sametime, it needed something more pleasent sounding is fine but needs a push maybe some change in tempo, but what i think it lacks the most is some better build up. anyways good job.

Pretty impressive

oh this was really nice and had some nice vocals, kinda sounds familuar, but the voice was still pretty good i thought, the mausic itself was pretty good i thought, but the vocals really present this piece very well, and just allow the song to flow with ease and beaty, so great job all around on this one, very welldone on this piece, if i can suggest anything, maybe allow the vocals to shine more with abit of volume change up in the backrounds, other then that this was pretty good, i thought.

So awsome tune here very pleasing and settling, could have more focus on the vocals, but other then that this was a good qaulity, and i was really pleased with this from start too finish.

pleasent and neat battle here

A great piece here and it just amazes me how with the music you can bring out a battle and more then that but a story and it tells it in the music and thats what this was, the "PIANO" is great and is like a battle but wish therewas more edge and battle to it more on the drums i suppose but for the mostpart this was pretty fantastic i thought, so improving on an already great piece is just too hard, but as suggested some more on the drums for more of the boss battle.

So while this was a pretty good piece i thought and does represent the battle seems like it could have used more of the battle more on drums might push that forward, anyways great stuff here hope to see more of your work soon.

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