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This was ok

Hmmm this was something differant the almost beeping sound is ok, kinda seems more repetitive then anything else though, and the backround touch you gave it was nice and added to the variaty so all in all it was an ok piece but in the end it probably needed more variaty more instrament sounds and such, so those could be some slight improvments and all, but other then that this was notbad, keep up the decent sounds.

Very soothing sounds almost like a sound/fx loop, but could use some more variaty to throw in there.

Very cute

I got a good cute feel from this, i love how differant it sounds im guess because of the chimes and bells or pipes i think it is, besides that it was good and cute and this one will be a fave of mine, so awsome job on creating a lil cute tune here, now as for making this better with some sorta improvment, i think its great as it is, i wouldnt wanna break the theme if you know what i mean, so this was a nice tune, keep up the good sound work.

So as mentioned above its great as is, if anything maybe some improved sound quality, but other then that this was very cute.

Could use more buildup

This was very peacful, you dont hear much like this stuff these days and its always a plus to hear some, i like the "SOFTNESS" of this and all, and just had a nice tune, now i do wish you mixed it up like adding more of a "BUILD-UP" in it, as it was pretty good quality and would have shown more effort with a sorta build up while still keeping the softness, but with that all said i thought it was pretty good and enjoyed it,

So as i just said above, could use more of a build up, but other then that it was pretty good if you ask me, keep up the good work.

Nifty tune

Cool start here, this was a good tune and seems to flow up into some good build-up. there was some good mixture and variaty, i like how this has build up then some build down even that really made me enjoy this, not only that but you gave it a sharp feel and somewhat cute, i can see this in a cute flash or even some game parody, so for the mostpart i was pretty pleased with this one, hope to hear more from you soon.

This was all pretty good you had some piano towards the end i thought you could focus more on that for the whole piece, besides that it was a pretty nifty tune.


Ok so to start off this one was kinda differant, but as you get into this one you can hear the sonic toch, kinda reminded me of the old sonic playing days, so in that sense you did a great job on giving the old classic feel of sounds, at first i was like this is differant from you, but it really clicked in, and became a great tune, so i was pretty pleased with it all, so nice job all around on this one, its another to save on my computer and another fave, keep up the great game themes, you should do one of diablo 11 and diablo 111 hehe.

So this one doesnt need much, probably nothing at all, but for the mostpart it was just one of those tunes that was perfect from start to finish.

Love it

Wow this one is awsome, so you know me i love the slow guitar playing more then the hard stuff and to find some of this like this one on your profile was a blessing, i love how this starts and has a somewhat build up, kinda reminded me of the diablo game music wich is also pretty awsome, but anyways great tune here even like the little effects here and in the backround, so as for improving just make more stuff like this hehe.

So while this was pretty good, there is always room for improving as for this one, maybe keep a stronger build up, but also keep the same slow theme, really liked what you did here.


OK so your first piece of 2012 cool, was wondering when you were gonna submit something new, and here we have, and thats some awsome guitar playing very solid playing and kicking, this was pretty good and could go very well with some vocals. so maybe thats something to throw in there at some point, for the mostpart of it, it was awsome glad i popped onto your profile randomly this morning, anyways keep up the awsome work, im hoping to hear more of your great guitar playing.

To be honest this is great as it is, it stands on its own just fine, onlything suggestion for any kind of improving might be, adding some vocals, even getting a female vocal on this would be pretty tight.

Metaljonus responds:

Thanks dude! It is my first post of 2012, I did'nt even realize that. Can't go wrong with some brutal shit to start off the year. I plan on doing vocals probably with my vocalist from my band just to do a test run with mixing vocals and other stuff. I'll post it when it is done. Thanks for the review mang!



Nice work on this tune it gets right into the beat and is pretty kicking, kinda reminds me of some of the beats heard in winter wonderland raves, but with a fasterbeat, so nice effort there and it does have that dance beat mix, seems abit on the slow side, maybe you should speed it up, even give it a build up, but other then that this was pretty good and has some good quality sounds, it does pick up in speed but the slow part seemed to not fit, anyways nice work.

Now this was a pretty good kicking beat, the slow part didnt seem to fit but was still pretty good for the mostpart, maybe speed it up there or more of a build up.


So first off this really gets you in the mode for a game it has that game feel, so nice touch on presenting that, also nice work as this is presented in 5 or more movies and games thats always a nice adition, now this was pretty good i like the guitar but i always love your guitar playing as in this one its very sharp sounding even for this older one, anyways nice job and i look forward to hearing more of your stuff soon.

This was pretty pleasent, and i thought it didnt really need much changing, it was pretty good if you ask me, anyways untill next time keep up the good sounds comming in.

I like it

ok so back to some of your old stuff, and i must say you still have some nice stuff back in the old stuff, the quality could be upped abit, but for the mostpart this was still pretty good, and again the guitar was kicking good here, i like how this gets right into it and again nice touch with mixing it up with other sounds and such, so for the better part of this this was pretty good, awsome sounds.

As for improving maybe some more quality sound, not the guitar is self but possibly how it was recorded, even without any changes this is pretty impressive, anyways keep up the decent sounds.

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