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Hmm now this one was cool , as is all your stuff is, i like how this does have a sorta slow start, and somewhat build up, build ups are always cool, and you seem to put these types in so that worked well, now the guitar playing is great as always, a faster build up in this wouldnt hurt, i also wouldnt mind seeing you push the variation of tempo changes with the guitar aswell, but this was another great piece, keep it up.

So another nice track here, some better build up would be greatly improved but to be honest it was still great sound.

Another cool track from you

Here we go, once again you have presented another great sound of music and there was actually alot of variation in this, you even change on the tempo, wich is another nice touch you do with some of the stuff, but regardless you once again have done a great job on another awsome guitar piece, nice work i look forward to checkingout more of your great guitar playing. anyways untill next time good luck.

So i like the tempo change i think you could have had more of that, but other then that this was pretty good stuff.

I thought it was cool

So this was pretty fast paced as it starts into it, i like some of the tempo changes, that was a nice beat, and when it gets really slow you really push it forward so nice job there on the tempo change, was a nice option, as for improving maybe more of that tempo chnge even a build up of some sort would help aswell, so you can try a few things to improve but overall its pretty good.

As suggested some tempo changes, even some build up changes wouldnt hurt, give it a try and lets see what happens anyways good stuff here.

TheRealSam responds:

Well this song is damn old, I don't think I'll modify it as I don't have any of the original files left, and the only way to do that would be to record it again (and speaking frankly, it's not one of my favorite old songs :) ). But anyway, thanks a lot for your review! :)

Needs work

A strange tune you have here, its pretty odd sounding and the "VOCALS" could use some training or more practice before you lay it down, but its a start i suppose, now as for the tune itself, its ok nice drum beats, i think the only real issue was the vocals so you may want to fine tune on that, its an ok beat just needs more effort specificly on the vocals, but other then that this was notbad, ok actually.

So as suggested above this backround tune was great nice drums, its the vocals were it can be improved on,

Could be improved

I must admit this was kinda on the short side, and seems like you didnt really finish much, but what you do have here is ok i like the fast tempo of it all but again just too short seems like you could have taken it further with other tempos to really make it something, but like i said its just too short, with just abit more effort it really could be a great piece, especially with the quality sound you did put out on this.

So the onlything this lacked, was that it was too short, maybe if it was a bout 1 min longer with more tempo changes it would be ok, anyways nice effort sofar on this.

Decent sound/fx

Hmm ok so this was something differant and thats not a bad thing, this is actually perfect "SOUND/FX" for any flash with the need for these types of resources, so props to you on that aspect of stuff, the sounds do get better and louder but i think you need to make it louder alot earlier on in the track not so late, but regardless this was a nice sound/fx

So this was a cool Sound/fx i think you need to make it louder alot earlier on in the track not so late, anyways nice work.

Brilliant, i love this sound

Oh wow i really love this, this was very welldone has a dark feel but also you give it a mainstream feel aswell, so very nice there, i also love how you mix it up with the "TEMPO" really nice touces with this one, seemed to flow very nicely, from start too finish, not much else i can say on this except it was awsome and keep up the good work, to be honest this is one of my fave stuff from you, the drums you beat on towards the end kinda remind me of santana abit, anyways keep up the good work.

So here we have another great beat, sharp and crisp sounding, no slow gaps and some nice tempo changes, it is a solid tune, nothing to improve on as its great stuff.


Nice sounds here this was another one of your older ones, but i like how this one plays out, it has some good sounds and sharp and crisp, and again you bring in some nice tunes here, very nice indeed, its not overdone its actually pretty impressive if you ask me, i could suggest some stuff to improve but this is perfect as is, a very welldone piece and i enjoyed it very much, anyways nice job keep it up.

So this was pretty crisp, as for suggestions of improvment this is one of those pieces i would leave as is, so nice job regardless.

Nice sounds

So this was pretty neat has a nice soothing touch and feel, and has an ok build up gets better as the tune flows through, i love how you start adding stuff it really picks up that way, theres really not a bad part in this, its pretty good if you ask me, the only suggestion if any maybe add more of those backround effects and such, kinda made the tune more unique and such, but regardless of that this was pretty nifty.

So while this was already pretty good on its own has a nice build up onlything i suggested was more backround effects but even without its pretty good, so props to you on a good sound piece.


Heh well this was pretty interesting, seems like a lot of cussing this , but i guess thats what made this cute, and the backround music helps to give it a mixture, kinda remind, me of some alien mad and upset hehe, so the music itself kinda loses focus cause of the little guy, maybe there should be more focus on the music i thought, but regardless this did have a sorta cuteness too it, but again needs more aswell, anyways good effort on your part here.

So as just mentioned, maybe more focus on the music, the voices were cute but maybe it was too much and seemed repetitive, but other then that this was pretty good, kinda cute

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