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This kinda reminds me ofmortal kombat for somereason well the way it starts out anyways, it was pretty good though, has a nice beat and has a small build up and i like the multiple sounds giving some decent variaty, there is some scratchy sound in the backround i can pinpoint but maybe its something you already figured out, but for the mostpart this was pretty good and i liked the sound this was pretty neat and good drums in there. so all in all it was decent abit scratchy but still pretty decent if you ask me, anyways keep up the good sounds.

The onlything i really noticed was that there was some scratchy sounds in the backround lowering some quality, but maybe thats how you wanted it.

Entertaining tune

So this tune had two differant vibes and feelings going with it one being slow and calm, then there was a pick up wich made you feel like dancing so i do like that kind of variaty you gave it, This does have a nice go lucky feel to it and that was pretty nifty, and in the end i believe the "DRUMS" do complete this piece so i wouldnt change things as its not bad at all, anyways keep up the good work i like your stuff, and hope to hear more soon.

So with this it doesnt need changes all that much it actually cameout pretty good if you ask me.

So this was differant

This was differant but it was neat it has a deep sound to it, seemed kind of on the short side though so you may want to add more too it maybe stretch out each piece abit more, or something, or adding other instraments that fill in the depth of it. Its a good tune, some issues of scratchy sounds but maybe that was just the effects you were going for, i like the tune, has a good feel to it, just needs abit more in my opinion, i do like it though, Anywaysgood tune keep up the good work and i look forward to hearing more from you, untill then good luck.

stretch out each piece abit more, or something, or adding other instraments that fill in the depth of it.

So this was an interesting track

I liked this, it was abitmore then a loop it had some style and depth to it, has a good techno feel to it, kinda something i might hear at a rave or something, and the quality you kept up pretty good i thought, the rythem keeps going and while there is not much of a build up it still keeps one interested to keep listening so on that note its pretty impressive as for improving stuff, onlything i can really say is maybe a more deeper build up from start to finish, but other then that this was pretty impressive.

So as mentioned above the only real issue would be more of a build up, everything else seemed pretty good.

Very nice and differant

So i was very impressed with these sounds here, it starts off a lil choppy but then it settles down and really gets into its feel of the tune so that was a plus for me, it kinda stays the same for abit so my suggestion would be to give it some sorta build-up so that the tempo changes up here and there giving the tune more excitment itspretty good and is great by itself but could use some extra build up, i do like the tune you have presented for us though i was impressed and glad i had a chance to hear it, other then that this was notbad at all. keep up the good work.

So a slight suggestion of more build up would be nice,some more tempo change would also be nice, just a thought or two though.

Something new

So this was still a loop, and thats ok and all, this one had some good "QUALITY" to it though had some nice sounds and does show the effort you put into this and thats always the important key, my issue with this one was that it was too "SOFT" and too short, so while it is meant for a loop you do have something that with some additions of sounds and stuff it could be longer with more to it more like a tune and all, but other then that this was pretty impressive, so from all that said, keep up all the work and hope to hear more from you soon as i did enjoy this and im sure others will too.

It was abit soft, has a unique sound and you may want to push that up abit also making it into more then just a loop would be another great push.

Notbad again

So alot of your work is pretty cool, just that them bing looped is kinda on the downside, i did fine this one pretty good would have been much better as a much longer and more full of depth tune though, 18 sec is ok but just wish there was more there, and there is plenty of room for much more aswell, Now dont get me wrong this was pretty good just needs more depth to it and could be abit longer, just some additions of new sounds could even make this longer in that aspect of stuff aswell, But anyways good tunes here it was a pleasure.

Some extra sounds some extra instraments might help to add some depth with some more backround effort aswell, needs to be longer and with more depth, but for what it was its pretty good.


OK so this did have a strange sound to it so you did allow it to live upto its name in that aspect of stuff, This did seem too short though good for a loop i suppose, but would have been better with some more depth and much longer too, the audio didnt take much file size so that gives you some room to add more to it, but i must say you did add a nice and odd sounding giving the tittle some justice, but other then that it was pretty cool just needs to be somewhat longer, more sounds of strangness wouldnt hurt either but besides that it was pretty nifty.

Some extra starnge sounds, also making it longer would be a start.


This has a good sound i can tottally see this in some flash that has a lot of build up to some action that is about too happen, such as maybe some ninjas sneaking into a place, it has that touch, so nice job there, it does have that repettitive feel though maybe you can mix it up more somehow, for the mostpart its pretty good, keep up the awsome work, i like the sound but needs some more build up and mixing of tempos.

Could use some tempo and build up, mainly more build up, it was pretty fantastic though.

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