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Wow i really love this

Wow i must admitt this was very impressive i love the low and dark feel how this starts kind of rminded me of phantom of the opera, and then you also have a nice build up to go with so that is pretty nice indeed, and you keep it dark yet give it a nice tempo so you keep it interesting and keep a mystery going, this one im going to add to my faves and this gets a great score from me as it is high quality and very good work here, nice effort you put into this so nice job indeed. amyways keep up the good work, hope to hear more stuff from you soon.

Wow what can i say this was very impressive i think its pretty perfect as is, and if anything is improved maybe throw in some sorta soft vocals but other then that this was pretty awsome stuff.

This was something differant.

Something differant has a sorta chinese touch to it the sound quality was abit soft, It was a good tune has a nice and pleasent feel and thats what i liked about it, it flowed along with some touces of chinese and japaneese feel, not sure if that was the intent but for the mostpart it was entertaining and amusing, a good tune if you ask me, it was a tad soft though, but if anything is to be improved on this maybe have some louder tones and tempo changes in there kinda like some suspense in a movie.

This was pretty decent as for some changes, have some louder tones and tempo changes in there.

Decent tune

So this was a decent tune you have here its slightly slow at the starting and doesnt have much in "VARIATY" of sounds and such, the whole tune seems like that so thats something you should work on the pitch was too high and needs more deeper sounds, also needs that variaty of mixture sounds. The tune is kinda long, but still the same ol high pitched tune, needs some harder sounds some deeper and darker feel too it plus all the mix of some variaty, just something to think about, but it was alright just needs more effort there.

the whole tune seems like that so thats something you should work on the pitch was too high and needs more deeper sounds, also needs that variaty of mixture sounds.

Hmm differant

So this was another loop, kind of a dark one the loop is short but i guess thats the intent, it doesnt have much variaty but, it was still ok and i can see this in some flashes as some sound f/x, but its just too short and does need more "VARIATY" more sounds more mixes and could be longer, So you may want to try and work on this abit but i do understand its abit older but still could be longer and with some variaty of other sounds, anyways hope to see more of your work soon.

Its just too short and does need more Variaty more sounds more mixes and could be longer

Sound could be louder

So this was pretty decent tune you have here, but i thought the volume sound quality was abit low, maybe that could be raised up abit somehow, But from what i did hear this was notbad, its just that sound quality could be better, the build up was also so-so and that could also be worked on to give more of a climax towards the end, but for what it is, this was pretty decent and i liked the tune and feel of it just needed to be louder, even when i turned up my voulume there was still some distortion, so just something to work on if you still can, untill then keep up the good audio making here.

There was a sound issue here, I thought the volume sound quality was abit low, maybe that could be raised up abit somehow

This starts off great

Great strat off with this one and good beat, and i love how you keep that fresh beat alive and going, really pushes the limits, and when thepiano comes into play it really sets the tone for the tune so that was a nice and pleasent tune you got, and The tune isnot very long but you do stretch it enough so nice job there, its a decent tune andi really liked it, as for any type of improvments, amybe some slight tempo changes here and there but for the most of it, it was pretty decent and a good tune. keep up the decent audio works.

Some slight tempo changes like when the piano comes into play have some more tempo changes there and more build up afterwards.

Nice build up on this

Ok so there was a nice build up on this, not sure if i like the "STATIC" sound in there kinda distorts things, but the rest was good and has a really nice build up thatkeeps going and the tune really gets better as it plays out, i think it was kinda short cause as it was just getting goodit ends, so maybe this should be abit longer somehow, but for the mostpart this was a pretty nifty tunes, try and remove that static i hear it seems off for some reaon, anyways nice job.

The onlything here was the static i was hearing in the backround, and the whole tune, could be longer.

Love the unique sound and feel of this

Wow this was pretty impressive and i really love all the unbique sound syou have in here, i know i heard some piano but then there was some really odd yet unique sounding stuff and thats what really turned me onto this tune, very unique sounding dont know how you did it but regardless it was pretty great sounding, and i think you should have made it longer and stretchout those unique sounds even more with some more touch of the regular piano in the mix, but anyways great tunbe here and i look forward to hearing more stuff like this, keep it up.

As mentioned above stretch it out abit more, especially with a mixture of regular piano and the unique sounding stuff, besides that this was pretty decent.

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