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Nice sound

The "VOCALS" are pretty good it ads a little something extra to this piece I was really impressed with how the rythem flows on through, some added back end ambient might fit in well with this piece, This one really jumps out at you, and for some reason this just kinda sticks with me, so for that a lone I was impressed nice work overall on this one, it was really some amazing work and love the effort even, So I will be back for more of your style soon, I do like how this one ended and while this review is also ending here you have some nice work here, so keep it real and do what you do best.

some added back end ambient might fit in well with this piece


Very nice beat

So this was a really nice beat you have here, seems like you could have made this longer though it did seem a tad bit short I think some added sound mixture in there aswell this was actually a really nice beat and rythem, but regardless nice work here I really liked it.

eems like you could have made this longer though it did seem a tad bit short I think some added sound mixture in there aswell


Very nice

So this was really nice I "ESPECIALLY" love how this progresvly gets better and has some nice build up in it the "VOCALS" are notbad I think if you added some more intense build ups even some fade outs so that the vocals can be more domminant would be nice, A nice track you have here and was expecting something different but you really went beyond the normal and made a nifty little piece here, So I found this to have good value all about it even if it was a bit different but thats my review, untill next time. this was a good track make more soon, I dont think anything Disputably can compare to the Charm you bring to this one as it was a nice entry.

I think if you added some more intense build ups even some fade outs so that the vocals can be more domminant would be nice



So the "SOUND" itself is actually notbad but seems like the "QUALITY" was a tad low not sure if it was in the recording or what but there could be some polish in the quality of the sound, its a good stylish track though and hope you make more stuff like this one here.

not sure if it was in the recording or what but there could be some polish in the quality of the sound


Very nice

So here was a nice track I love the "JAZZ" feel of it all but feel like it could be even more jazzy maybe bring in some more jazz sounding instraments in there, Tracks like these that come around now and then are pretty rare because this brings alot to the table with lots to wonder in the mind and these are sometimes called mystical thats the vibe I got from this one Well thats my review, I know nothing too crazy or spectacular but I did want to say that it was a pleasure of some music or sound, hope to hear more because I like your flavour.

it could be even more jazzy maybe bring in some more jazz sounding instraments in ther


Nice and pleasent

So this was pretty pleasent of a "TUNE" the quality was notbad at all but could be turned up a tad I do enjoy the "PIANO" but wouldnt mind more variations of piano and deep sounds added but overall this was pretty good and you have some really nice talents here especially with the piano.

wouldnt mind more variations of piano and deep sounds added


Nice and soothing

So this "PIECE" here was pretty soothing you have a nice and pleasent piece and it goes like that from start to "FINISH" so my take is ad some intense build up not so much to mess up the theme but give it a tempo increse, Alright so thaught I would give this one a go the name looked interesting and so I must say that was a good decision as I have enjoyed this and the direction you have it going in there are tons you could do but I like what you have done sofar, You build it up with so much quality and shown us all the talents you bring to the table, its a big plus here and a very nice piece of sound here.

so my take is ad some intense build up not so much to mess up the theme but give it a tempo increse


Notbad at all

This was notbad at all has some nice sound and this one actually has a good "KICK" to it, kind of reminds me of "MORTAL-KOMBAT" the track was not very long but not too short either still a pretty solid piece of work my advice here is have some slow down of the tempo so you can really build it up aswell, but I found this piece very solid.

my advice here is have some slow down of the tempo so you can really build it up aswell


Wow I love this

I have to say as soon as this started I clicked faves because this is such a beautiful sound you have here and I have no tips or suggestive ideas because this was just beautifull, A few things jumped out at me on this one, but you do show some good quality and style about it all, aswell as some nice effort So Rummaging through the audio portal does pay off cause this little piece was awsome, and Compelling, So lastly nice job here nice effort you really showed us something nifty in music and sound, and thats what I was glad to review here you gave the audio portal some Charm on this day.

I have no tips or suggestive ideas because this was just beautifull


TrickshotMusic responds:

Wow thanks for the short novel ;). I apreciate the comment but not perfect enough for me yet, as some sidechaining was to powerful and the snares were to loud, ect ect. Ive fixed them this morning tho so look forward to the full version sonn, ill pm you it :)

Nice sound

So while this piece is a bit older I still "FOUND" it to be pretty good and there is a nice beat there seems like you could ad much more back end sounds on this but thats just a small tip, other then that I found this track to be pretty solid work and I was pretty impressed with it.

seems like you could ad much more back end sounds on this but thats just a small tip


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