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Really nice mixture and variety in this one I love that mix gives it a unique feel and if course the talent shines in this piece and you have some great music skills and this tune just brings out all that quality


Another great tune and you really make it jump and pop it's always a nice leasure to checkout your stuff you bring the passion in this tune and love that high volume sound keep it up


Some good stuff here and love this depth I think it's one of your better sounds and some amazing quality too it's that drive and passion that makes this sound so good and I love it


Nice and pleasent you bring a pleasant tune here nothing too crazy but really flows from start to finish with some nice sound and I really liked it


Very nice as always you bring on some really nice tunes and this fast paced was intense and fun and full of energy love the passion you push forward so please keep that going strong


A nice lil kick to this with some really good flow of the sounds and just flows along with quality, Now here was something that jumped out at me with style and a good vibe you have a good track here that brings a little extra to the front And now to end this, That quality just vibes full of energy and this was a really nice tune, but not before I coment on your piece you still know what you want and like and thats all that really matters so keep up the good sound work its looking good sofar, I like your style so please do grace us with even more


Silnava responds:

thanks a lot :)

I like this and I could be wrong but there was a nice sound in there and it keeps popping up with that deeper sound hard to explain but it made this whole piece work and synk together, I was really enjoying what you did here and how the quality is pretty good


Great stuff wow I am becoming a fan of your high energy unique style of music and the vocals and lyrics on this was a nice and extra tough, you have a nice track here it also processed something differant so keep making beautiful music like you have been


You have a very pleasent piece here some really nice sound, from 1:47 to 2:17 when it changes up was nice maybe more of that kind of stuff, And so after listening to it I thought this was kind of interesting it had a certain touch and feel to it and I was generally pleased with the outcome, The tune was very pleasent and very relaxing sound here, so nice job on this one and I for sure would love to listen to more of your work if its anything like this one, I love this tune and had a very nice impression of it so nice job


Beautiful tune here and with that label of dance it really does feel like some dance I do think some added drops and faster build up would be something nice for this one, cool and nifty you have a nice mix here and love the dance theme here


Kumashi responds:

Thank you for your rating and for your great comment!

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