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Really nice sound works here and this one reminds me of some techno to be honest but you really make it sound so good as it all seems to come together with each new sounds, you have an interesting piece very refreshing and delightful so keep that element up


Nice mix here it really feels differant then most tunes on here, I love the start till about 2:50 and then it has a different mix about ut but overall this was some nice work and some great quality all around, Keep doing what you do and make this awsome music that you do


Some beautiful work here and love how this starts off but then has a slow buildup with a variety mixture and all the mixed sounds have a nice quality here, these kinds of tunes that are off the charts and you bring some nice soundworks to the portal


Nice work on this one your style is fast paces and thats a good thing wouldnt mind some added drops then a fast build up, but the beat here was very nice and very intense, here we have a good tune something with a good solid sound, anyways untill next time


Some very nice beats and drums in this one even some distortion but it could be nothing, I have enjoyed it for what it is I do like the effort, but most of all this is a short beat rhythem sound and pretty nice work if you ask me


These are some nice drums and really has a nice little kick to it the beat flys on by almost feel like you could have extended this into some even more wild and deeper drumming but really has some nice beats here keep it up


Wow nice work and this unique you bring on some nice voices in this, And here was a cool tune at first I didnt know what to expect but soon after as the music really kicked in it was actually pretty good and I really took a liking to it, And along with the great voices you add on some amazing backround music and fit so well, so nice start to this as it shows lots of effort and a really interesting tune of sounds, I think you should do more of these with the voices too


You really mixed it up on this one some buildups and a mixture that just pops out at you and that was a big plus gave it that quality sound, it was intersting and had a kind of unique sound You have some really nice talents and made this pop well

This one was for sure something different but the sound is interesting unique and could see it being used in some nice animations of sci-fi elemenst but for the mostpart this was some great work


Some nice science lol no but really this was actually a good boost of energy and nice drive of music has a nice build to getting those beats and rhythems and I really liked it, you have some nice energy in this but most of all it was some solid sound


Syntrus responds:

all those years ago songs like this one informed my growth into the musician I am today

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