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Deep sound

Now this was something really good and a "DEEP" and intense sound here, you have some very nice talent and it shows, some small drops wouldnt hurt on this though then you can use that intense sound, An interesting start here on this audio track, Now dont get me wrong I like what I am hearing here and while there can be a tad bit more done I was impressed with how this all started and as it progressed through the whole tune was just amazing, So I will for sure check out more of your work in the near future, because I found this little gem of yours hidden in the audio portal

some small drops wouldnt hurt on this though then you can use that intense sound


vitjok722 responds:

Thanks for your review! I'll make sure to improve my music in the future, thanks! :)


So this was really "DIFFERENT" I think you could really ad some mixture in this and have some nice variety of the sounds it seems too straight forward and needs that mixture of more twists and turns, you have a good track here though and was very interesting to hear.

I think you could really ad some mixture in this and have some nice variety of the sounds it seems too straight forward


gatekid3 responds:

Thank you for your honest critique.


So you have some awsome work here and I really love the dark element that this brings mainly from the back end, now I do think some added faster tempos wouldnt hurt though, Now this was sort of different especially from what I normally listen too but then it really catches my interest in a different way of sorts, I had fun with this one it was good stuff its a pleasure to review this and stuff like this, This review is near its end but its a nice piece you have here, so keep up the decent work and hope to find more gems among your tunes.

I do think some added faster tempos wouldnt hurt though


DarkGod666 responds:

Hey, thanks for the criticism! I appreciate that.
Yes, I think I will add a little more, the drums maybe too loud as well. Still getting the hang of mixing. :)

So this was cool

You have a nice "BEAT" here with this one, I love how this starts off and pretty fast and progresses pretty good too, from "1:30-1:40" is my fave part and think you need more of that element throughout the whole piece but other then that this was a solid track here.

from "1:30-1:40" is my fave part and think you need more of that element throughout the whole piece


Nice and kind of dark

So this one had a "DARK" and spooky feel to it also the effect of lighting or thunder every now and then was pretty "NIFTY" it was an amazing piece, I think if you added some more spooky elements it would really benifit, Great track you have going here, really jumps out at you with the style you got going on this, its stuff like this that really keep me interested in these types you have some Razor-Sharp ideas that push it forward, Well I hope to hear more of your work soon, As I do bring this one to a close, you have impressed me with the unique style and ideas here in this, track so I may have to do some Rummaging through your profile for more Notable tracks and tunes.

I think if you added some more spooky elements it would really benifit


GhostDestroyer responds:

Thanks so much! I do have plenty of dark elements I can add! I also have some darker beats, I been getting better and better over the years, I love feedback and constructive criticism. It helps us artist grow. I left this one as the short version, so hopefully, I could get some good honest feedback and release an even better full version.


So this was "NICE" Guess I been reviewing some of your stuff I will say that I really like your work here the sound you make is really nice and does sound like a good video game this one actually reminds me of "SONIC" but regardless this was cool and dont see any need for any changes, anyways keep it real.

dont see any need for any changes



So this one here was a "UNIQUE" sound of works I cant pick out all the sounds but this was a nifty idea you have here, I think if you really mixted it up and added even more variety it would be even better, Its unique pieces like this that makes these kinds of tracks really nifty and different and thats what I gatherd from this one, Now let me dwell into this piece a little more because it was worth the extra words that I put in here, So below in the improvements area I will have a few or small changes that maybe you can reflect on but for the mostpart this was notbad and very enjoyble.

I think if you really mixted it up and added even more variety it would be even better


A pleasent sound

Wow I really enjoy this piece it has a nice and "PLEASENT" sound about it its not hard or anything and for "FIVE" minutes it is very pleasent you have some nice mixture in there, I do however think some added deeper sounds and back end sound work could improve on this, but overall this was a nice and pleasent piece.

some added deeper sounds and back end sound work could improve on this


YakovlevArt responds:

thanks for the kind words!

Very nice sound

So you have some really nice "SOUND-WORK" here it does seem to have a nice build up I think pushing the tempo a bit harder at the start might be one idea, And as I start out on this piece It already gives off a positive vibe and thats a plus as I do enjoy these kinds of tracks, so now lets get into this, so this was well composed and why thats just a small Summary but anyways, Now that this is comming to an end I will say that you have impressed me with all the detail of effort and energy that you put into this, entry and just may be your Finest tune.

I think pushing the tempo a bit harder at the start might be one idea


K0TiC responds:

Thanks for the response, I really appreciate it!

Nice beat

So this one had a nice beat about it its a pretty deep tune at that, I really like your "SOUND" it doesnt jump out at you but is "PLEASENT" so in that sense i think you could ad some fades amybe some drops and some form of sound that allows for some build up and some added mixture of sounds wouldnt hurt either, but anyways really nice work here.

so in that sense i think you could ad some fades amybe some drops and some form of sound that allows for some build up and some added mixture of sounds wouldnt hurt either


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