The eyes
Let me start off this review of this decent art piece with saying that this was a good piece of artwork, this shows some good effort on your part, and you really bring things together very well with this piece, There might be some recomendations later but you seem to have it down for the mostpart. The eyes are like if they are starring right at me so that was something neat and had a mystery to it, The whole piece was pretty good some nice sketching, good tone here, the only real issue i had was that maybe the dogtag was abit off but not by much, other then that this was actually a pretty solid piece, as for improvments maybe some more detail and scratches in the dogtag. And in closing you have some good artwork here some decent detail effort, and it shows, dont know if i can suggest any improvments but if i do you will see it, but other then that this was actually notbad and has some good effort behind it so nice job there.
and once again i come to suggest a few idea that may or may not help but in the end i do hope these tips, ideas and any advice i do offer does helpwith this art piece and or future ones or just upgrades for that matter but for the most of it i enjoy the work you do here. But as for this one and above there is not much improvment i see maybe more detail in the dogtag thing she is holding, but other then that this was alright.