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Very cool

So this was really cool here you have some nice details here and the colors jump out at you with a vibrant element this was something amazing if you ask me I love how well placed everything is too, but anyways no changes are needed here you have some great ideas and you showcase the art very well.

no changes are needed here you have some great ideas and you showcase the art very well


Very sleek design

A nice desgign here the backround was a tad bland maybe some extra added detail back there, A unique and sleek entry you have submitted here with this very sleek design and ofcourse pretty unique I love me some black and white Very sleek design you have created and its an honor to review this so keep making even more black and white designs such as this.

the backround was a tad bland maybe some extra added detail back there


Those eyes are deep

There are some deep eyes here and the color depth is really nice on this piece, I almost feel like there could even be more skin texture depth but even without this is nice, the artist did an excellent job The wide open eyes inviting the viewers in, Close up shots like this are great They really showcase the emotions as well as the artist's hard work and details, A really great piece the artist really knows how to capture facial features plus their use of colors is amazing! It looks so realistic.

I almost feel like there could even be more skin texture depth but even without this is nice,


Pixel like

so these pieces of weapos and such are kind of like pixels it seems but they are pretty nice overall with some really cool colors used woulnt mind more shine and sparkle off the shines but overall this was pretty cool and you do some nice work here.

more sparkles and shine would be cool.



So this was cool I love the yellows and tinted color here to give off a sunlight or luminating effect almost tells a story here at some point in his life and thats what I really liked about this piece some nice work indeed, and would love to see more work like this in the future.

Would love even more luminating effects from the lighting


A Wonderful B/W Submission

Nice sharp lines onlything I might ad might be some added backround detail in this one, so here was A Wonderful B/W Submission you cant go wrong with some black and white detail such as you have here so really nice work, I love these black and white themes and the detail is real and raw and just comes alive with all the added detail here and there.

onlything I might ad might be some added backround detail in this one



So this was a nice and colorful piece of art here you have some very fresh look here and I love the vibrant element of this all as you have really pushed the colorful element here so props to you on a nice piece of art here hope to see more soon.

nothing to change when its a fantastic piece


Flames of fire

Well first off I want to commend you on such a beautiful element of flames and fire they look realistic, would have been cool if the eye sockets had flames spirting out, The colors are really cool I like the flames in the back I like the darkness of the whole image, Though I'm not exactly sure what it's supposed to be It's still really cool to look at It's not really scary or creepy does not really grab your attention, Still a really cool piece though Maybe lighten it up just a tiny bit so we can see what it is

would have been cool if the eye sockets had flames spirting out


Very nice

Nice and artistic almost seems like you could have went with a bigger screen size on this one and added even more maybe even some borders, So the black and white its pretty impressive and you have some nice details about this piece, not just because its the black and white, but because it has some good energy about it you have a nice drawing style and within this black and white its just comes alive.

seems like you could have went with a bigger screen size on this one and added even more maybe even some borders


Very cool

Wow so this one takes me back a bit but it has a very matris related theme here I thaught that was a nifty idea here, so props to you on that the fact it was blue was nice, the little character was cute. My suggestion for this whole piece was maybe just a larger view screen here, but other then that this was pretty cool, and hope you do make more simular to this sometime soon.

My suggestion for this whole piece was maybe just a larger view screen here


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