
17,993 Art Reviews

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Nice shine

You really know how to use that water color and bring on some nice shine detail like the legs love how she is tilting her had backwards, I tend to say create a good foundation and maximize that passion and energy into more success you have done just that, But anyways nice work.


Awsome watercolor

The watercolor in this and your style is always awsome this was like a dragon lady of some types, this was something different and I like what you have done here and have presented something unique and different, You bring on some nice style and great form of the character.


Nice combo

I like the combo scene here showcases a nice action scene of the main character and others, as I finally get this review finished my overview of this whole piece is that of a positive one because this was pretty good keep doing what you do, but anyways great work here and amazing color.



This was another cool action pose of the character and love the beer mug seems like there could have been a tad more splash about it, untill next time keep up the awsome art work anyways untill next time so keep creating from the imagination anyways nice job.


Very cool

Now here was another amazing character with such a brilliant pose and such a great facial expression I was really impressed with it all, you did an amazing job on the focus design and of course the beautiful detail placed here, so awsome job all the way around here.



A nice combo scene here with some nice elements here and a good vibe of details within the character work with a beautiful sleek of color it really just jumps out at you with some amazing ideas and some good little details, You always do some amazing work though.



Really love what you have done with the legs here seemed fitting as with the red coat and just came off very well and just enjoyed the visual detail on this one nice work indeed, There is some really nice detail element that you have showcased in this.


Beautiful pose

This here was a beautiful pose love that upwards view really sets the tone of the whole character so awsome job there,
here was another great discovery from the portal you have a good entry this was a large hearted and dedicated piece the art shows off well all on its own and the talent shines well

Good stuff

This was some good stuff and you bring on those beautiful colors that just come alive like the red skintones and the outfit is awsome too, Something people can really get into and enjoy like I have now so keep making great submissions such as you have now.


I love the color

You have some amazing color element here especially with the vibrant color of the hair and some added shine it came off well, so awsome job here and a great character, Now these kinds of art pieces have always amazed me with the depth and style and it sure does take a lot of effort.


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