
17,993 Art Reviews

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Love it

So this was really nice I like the in your face and frontal action the water color element is always a plus with your style of art and once again some good facial expression on this one, This was a very cool piece you have here and I hope you keep making more like this.



So this was some beautiful art you bring out some beautiful poses with this one, This art entry was kinda neat and had some positive points and so on now dont get me wrong this is actually a good discovery and was glad to find this little gem, anyways nice work here.



This is like a dragon of sorts and seems to pop with colors here very neon ish and vibrant in color also love the sharp and edgy design on this character here really good work



This was a cute character and a cute dog here love the silly form here and good pose also love that you added a darker backround so that it accents the character even more so nice job on this art submission



This was an awsome portrait piece here love the subtle colors but they still have some nice texture and just seems to pop out very nice indeed good duck here. So awsome job hope to see more



This has both some awsome pixel and beautiful color the color for one is just pure amazing, The pixel itself always is a nice touch and the scene you created awsome indeed, you do have something here I was actually pretty impressed with what you have going on here, and thats what will keep me and others always comming back to pieces like this.

You have shown some decent effort here, endless ideas here and a large hearted felt piece, I am pretty happy with all of this it was not only a gnarly piece but was actually stylistic, its pieces and entries like this tha come across the board and really cath the eye so thank you for that, but anyways hope to see more soon, You sir are very talented.


helpcomputer0 responds:

Thank you for the kind words!


Wow is right this is an intense piece with so much character detail I zoom in just to see each detail of all character its a beautiful piece I have added this one as one of my all time faves, here was another great discovery from the portal you have a good entry this was a large hearted and dedicated piece the art shows off well all on its own and the talent shines well

Something people can really get into and enjoy like I have now so keep making great submissions such as you have now, Now these kinds of art pieces have always amazed me with the depth and style and it sure does take a lot of effort and thats what you you have shown here, This was a very cool piece you have here and I hope you keep making more like this.



This was a cute little character you have here love the animation too A brilliant piece of art here and I have to say it really comes full circle in the depth of your detail and all the little detail that comes alive from this, you could even have had some spray from the can or something extra there.



I love everything about this especially love the rose, Almost feel like the rose could even have more of a glow about it, I am pretty suprised I was glad that this was better then I had expected and I do hope to see more from you this was a good all around solid art entry

You have amazed me with the style and vibe here your art sparkles with a sense of unique style nice creation here I really enjoy some art and great visuals and you present something more then just that but something unique But anyways I had a fun experience reviewing this entry here and really do hope to see even more from you down the road.


Wow nice

Looks like a good action scene going on here great character detail here, finally I come to the end of this review so always hard to end on a review never know what to say but you have a nice vision here, Keep making awsome artork just like this one here.


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