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Oh wow this was nice

I love the explosion of color here you really have made some nice color explosion on this one as for any improvment I actually like it how it is here, so really nice work here hope to see more like this.

I like it how it is.


Very nice

So this was kind of nifty here, the gameboy style of system in an action moment really some nice work here, the explosion was pretty intense, the demon character was looking pretty good, you have some nice work here.

More explosion.



She sure does like that "BURGER" some backround would have been cool, maybe even a fast food resturant lol, And here you really bring out the class of it all, and the style makes me think of an artistic feel and emotion Imaginative and ordinary at the same time. I think I can envision this piece being part of a bigger flash game or movie in some form or another, and you made it seem that way, and thats what has caught my attention with this one. And you have done very well here today, I will look forward to even more soon.

some backround would have been cool, maybe even a fast food resturant lol


Beautiful outfit

The purple is really good on this piece here, there could be some added texture and shine in the hair and the outter white areas of the backround could have some detail also, but other then that this was pretty good stuff here, I really like your work here.

some added texture and shine in the hair and the outter white areas of the backround could have some detail also



So this was a nice action scene you have here, seems like the hat itself is missing something maybe some shadings or cuts or something, And a look of this sums up a strong willed and styleful piece, Nice piece indeed, appropriately and classy brings light to a wonderful piece of art. So I Applaud you on the progress here and Kudo's to you as I was pretty Stunned on such a fantastic piece, You gave this one a different style and I do with other artwork was as different as this one was, there is a sense of Stylization and Flair about this piece, I like it.

seems like the hat itself is missing something maybe some shadings or cuts or something


Fantastic piece here

Well this was awsome, a really detailed "HEAD" here with some nifty design, seems like theres a "MISTY" smoke in front of it all, but anyways this was a really nice character design here, maybe adding a sparklying shine on the orange head or something, anyways nice work here.

maybe adding a sparklying shine on the orange head or something


Very nice

So this was pretty good here, the black and white was nice the deep stare this one has is vert nice I like that you showed off your pens and such a very nice piece here and another art piece that does not need any changes here, so really nice work on this one.

no changes needed.


BoMToons responds:


A pleasent piece

I love how subtle this piece is here, the blue backround does seem like some added texture or depth could be pushed more, Glad you were able to upload this fine art piece to the portal these types have some nice effects and you did well to bring that forward. You seem to Passionately have love for your work and ad a Flair of style and Ambition and there is a sense of Rapid growth aswell, So before I get started on this interesting piece, I just want to say that art is a wonderful junction to review as it comes in many shapes and colors and designs with brilliant ideas, so that gives me a smile as I prepare to review this piece of yours.

the blue backround does seem like some added texture or depth could be pushed more


This was very nice

You have really oudone yourself with this patteren and design and I was pretty pleased with this as a whole, I like how this design just comes together on all its nifty "LITTLE-POINTS-OF-DESIGN", so props to you on a "UNIQUE-DESIGN" here these types of entries are always rare and unique.

Some spaces seem empty or bland I would suggest filling in some spots here and there.


Love it

A beautiful "VIEW-SHOT" like hes in the middle of action, No changes on suc a beautiful and well done piece, You seem Dedicated in some parts on this one and it was Refreshing to see more different syles of art here, I was pleased with most of this, while some parts could be better. You still made it very Engaging and Passionately so with some Enthusiasm So my Insight will be short but positive, Some part of this has drew me away from it, But personally I feel that That this was an ok piece, I mean the whole piece it has a certain style that keeps me interested not all but most.

No changes on suc a beautiful and well done piece


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