
17,993 Art Reviews

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Cool stuff here love the glasses on this character wish there was more of a sparkle element of detail on the glasses, Fully loaded with the unexpected thats the vibe I get from this and thats just the start of things Seems like there was some good time and effort put into this.


Nice work

Another fun pose here looks like she is getting her drink on and some very muscle tones arms she has, I am generally not a fan of these types art submissions but it had some un expected detail fun and some nice visuals, Very nice work here on this character I like it.



Well you always have some amazing characters I wonder howmany you actually have love the outfit here, you have a nice skill and you have shown this very well keep up the nice work and my final overview of this is that you have some good quality here.


Wow nice

The character is amazing I love the green skintone on this one, It was a pleasure to review this fine piece here Please do grace us with even more fun art style like this one here, Another great pose of a character and a refreshing facial expression too.



Looks like she is ready for a cup of tea lol, I am pretty suprised I was glad that this was better then I had expected and I do hope to see more from you this was a good all around solid art entry, As always you do some amazing character work love the pose on this one.



Well as always here was another beautiful character love the black outfit here and with the red element in the backround really played off well, You have amazed me with the style and vibe here your art sparkles with a sense of unique style nice creation here.


A big hammer

This fine looking character has a very big hammer and a big tail lol I really enjoy some art and great visuals and you present something more then just that but something unique But anyways I had a fun experience reviewing this entry, Great character detail here.



Kind of funny with this one a good comdey duo here if you ask me, love the color and backround detail you gave the character some ample top heavy moments here lol its pieces and entries like this tha come across the board and really cath the eye so thank you for that.



Pauline seems to want coffee at a discount lol, Love the fresh colors here and love the shine and details like the hair very nice indeed, I am pretty happy with all of this it was not only a gnarly piece but was actually stylistic, so nice job here on this one its cute.


Great character

Now this was nice I love the standing pose here like she is ready for action, you do have something here I was actually pretty impressed with what you have going on here, and thats what will keep me and others always comming back to pieces like this, Some added effects would be a plus here.


ScepterDPinoy responds:

Should'v added particle effects such as blowing leaves, wind fog, ect. Thanks.

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