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Well awsome once again on the character like this character alot of your added details are nice the small details here are nice and the color is very nice, You have shown some decent effort here, endless ideas here and a large hearted felt piece, Nice character work.


Nice character

This character was really good I do think some shine and sparkle on the sword and even horns would be a plus, his has a simple nature about it but also has a certain uniqueness about it, And the look of this piece could mean lots of things you even have a twist or two.



Lol well this was a nice suprise here but cant go wrong with spider man or mary jane the outfit is very nice love the shine on it too, Some interesting elements of a submission on this one, you do have something here I was actually pretty impressed with what you have going on here.


Cool dragon

I love this dragon type here the wings spread good with some nice depth and detail to them so the color is on top notch here, it does spark some interest especialy with me, its the little things that keep me interested like this piece, But anyways nice work.



Again a great character here and a good comic always a fun comic element here love the detail element of the characters and you make the comic work well, I would even go as far as calling this a bit mythical but anyways finally we end here soon.


Very nice

This was nice I like the character the white backing is nice would have been even more cool with more of a glowish within it, Some very creative art piece here its a pleasure to review it once again fantastic piece great effort seems to have gone into this it is fluid with talent and creation.


chuleta007 responds:

Thank you so much!

I love this one

I do love this one it had some nice design about it you have some good skills would have been cool if the sword had more of a shine about it, Your ideas really seem to come alive in this piece So here I come to the end of the review, I had got a good experience from this one.



This one was pretty good I love the combo of characters on this one, and the red jumps out at you so good colors here, You amaze me with your talents on this art entry You have the desire and in my extended review here I found it to be a fun piece of art here anyways nice work.



Another cool character love the tray of drinks and how its tilted to show off some action in this one, could use some added sparkle on the glasses, This here was a nice piece of work and seemed to come a live as I dwell deeper into the visual here.



Now here was more beautiful work love the backround on this one you really pushed tge detail and shine here with some nice polish on top of that some beautiful lines and an amazing pose. But anyways an amazing character here keep up the awsome and beautiful work.


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