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Really cool

So this was really cool here, the pose looks a little off but its still nice, the backround was nice onlything I might change would be the backround stars and have some brighter then others, and maybe even ad some extra glow on the characters themself but other then that this was a nice character combo here some really nice texture and color use in this fine piece here.

Some added glows and shines with stars and outter lines of characters.


Really nice

So this was cool, now first off Im probably not too fond of the black backround but the round emblem was a nice touch to spice that up, the character design was pretty good very nice and deep colors used in this one, I was pretty impressed with this piece, keep up the good work.

not too fond of the black backround but the round emblem was a nice touch to spice that up


Deep color

So this one was really nice with the deep colortone really standing out aswell, the long strip like view was something different and unique aswell so nice job indeed here, you have some nice work here the comic design is nice the characters and the content of the comic is really nice and you have some nice work here I would love to see more comic strips like this one.

Didnt find anything really needing a change but I would suggest make more of this fine comic of yours.


Wow nice

So this was really sexy and a great character some really nice detail here I do think some added shine on her stockings leggings would be a nice touch up, but overall the character was very nice work love the detail element here, anyways keep up the amazing work.

I do think some added shine on her stockings leggings would be a nice touch up


Wow this was nice

Wow this was really nice work here some really nice visual the gem ws nice and love the sparkle would love if there was even more of a sparkle and glow but overall this was pretty good stuff you have some amazing work here and this was really nice work.

love the sparkle would love if there was even more of a sparkle and glow but overall this was pretty good


Wow nice

So with this piece you can really see the deep art here some really intense textures and whatnot but overall some really nice depth about it all so no major changes here with this one, you have created some beatiful artwork I look forward to even more.

no major changes here with this one, you have created some beatiful artwork


Really nice character

I do wish there was some backround to this as the backround was very bland but the character itself is really nice, maybe even ad a glow to the eye but other then that this was a fun character and im sure it was fun to make, anyways keep up the amzing work it was a pleasure to review this.

wish there was some backround to this as the backround was very bland, maybe even ad a glow to the eye but other then that this was a fun character



So this was a beautiful character here, I am loving the backround stars would be nice if some of those stars had more flicker and sparkle, Beautiful The kind of work and characters used in game advertising today I like how her body is hidden, She maintains her sweetness and beauty that way, I love the differing shades of blue in the background as well as her hair and clothes, It's such a pretty color and compliments her skin tone, Congrats to the artist for matching the colors so perfectly.

I am loving the backround stars would be nice if some of those stars had more flicker and sparkle


Such a beautiful character

The character stands tall withs such a great pose and love what you have done with the backround too onlything I might take away with a change or edit might be some added shines and sparkles like on the bow and such, Fantasy artwork like this is always great It usually showcases the strength and beauty of a powerful woman, This piece does that well the female villain in Thor Ragnarok comes to mind maybe because the outfit looks similar to hers, A truly great piece by a very talented and gifted artist.

onlything I might take away with a change or edit might be some added shines and sparkles like on the bow and such


Nice sketch drawing

So this was a nice sketch or drawing here its cute yet has a deeper meaning here the shadings are nice too almost feel like if you added a tear to the bear would top this off but regardless this was a nice art piece here, Very cool Simple yet scary very easily drawn yet details are perfect, I love this It scares you yet you can't look away, That is how good these are and probably the best thing about them, They keep pulling you back begging to be noticed subtly very impressive work, A simple piece doesn't usually do that.

almost feel like if you added a tear to the bear would top this off but regardless this was a nice art piece here


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