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Very nice

So this one reminds me of a card of some sort but only is that its of the dragon lady but still such a beautiful design of the character and some really nice colortones very nice indeed, anyways really great work here and some awsome detail love the shells as the border really accented it well, maybe instead of a white backing of border maybe a darker backing, anyways great stuff here.

maybe instead of a white backing of border maybe a darker backing


This was cute

So this was a subtle yet cute piece you have some nice light color themes here and it all seemed to come out very nice, you could possbly ad some backround color to this too that would be a nice touch up here but overall this was a nice and simple art piece that does stand out with some nice and artistic element here so nice job indeed I look forward to even more.

you could possbly ad some backround color to this too that would be a nice touch up here


Love the color

So this was pretty cool I especially love the color would love to see some added sparkle come off the baloons, a big congrats on getting Front-Paged not alot of people get that but its always nice when you do so awsome job and it shows that the staff of newgrounds is looking at peoples work, anyways nice job on that award and on this great art piece here

would love to see some added sparkle come off the baloons


Nice landscape

So this was a nice landscape here almost feels like its a dust storm about to come in the texture of the sand and rocks are really nice, maybe some added jumping specs of dust here and there would be a nice idea, The horizontal layout of the painting aids in portraying as much of the landscape as possible, An even middle ground is made between the land and sky despite the flatness of color the warmth of the sand goes undisturbed by the brightness of the sky and vise versa, Soft edges and transparency of color mimics the sandy winds and the far-off waves of heat within a desert setting, Exceptional piece without realism in its depiction.

jumping specs of dust here and there would be a nice idea


VW Van

Well you cant go wrong with some VW I love some VW's this was a cool piece with some fresh looking art here, I think a sail boat out in the distance would have topped this off even, Very cartoon like or more like an ad or commercial I like the way it looks It makes me feel happy probably because of the colors that are used. Very realistic I see people using it to promote their business I think it would work well in that aspect.

I think a sail boat out in the distance would have topped this off


A great b/w drawing

Very nice and very creative with this black and white something or some added detail in the backround would be a real plus here, the lines are nice and you show off some nice idea here really to make this a great drawing here, So with this art piece it was some nice drawings here a nice detailed element some smooth line detail aswell and makes for this a really nice black and white.

something or some added detail in the backround would be a real plus here


Wow very nice

This was a beautiful painting you have here the moon was nice and seems like you could have more lighting come from the moon, Congrats on the front paged, that is always a pleasure, and its well deserving, and really allows for alot of exposure, and this one was well deserveing for a front page option so nice job there

the moon was nice and seems like you could have more lighting come from the moon


A nice B/W theme

Nice piece with some sharp lines I love what you did with the scar on the eye and the pierced ear seems like you could ad a sparkle on the piercing and maybe a colored scar, This B/W Theme is nice it has some very good visual here your line work is notbad at all and the sketch like drawing is really detailed, You have A nice B/W theme here and it flows along from one end of the view to the next so really nice black and white art here.

I love what you did with the scar on the eye and the pierced ear seems like you could ad a sparkle on the piercing and maybe a colored scar


Wow very mystical

A very mystical piece here such a beaing here, as a suggestion maybe some added shine and sparkle but honestly this probably doesnt need any changes, Color saturation of the various shades presented aids in generating a tone of boldness while the range of coolness adds mysteriousness to that, The accurate anatomical proportions favor that of a realistic human female which is interesting considering this is no human being, A thin white outline alongside the additions of white along her body helps emphasize her mostly against the duller colors of the background, It complements the deep purple shade, Details are wonderfully done and her surroundings create an image with various corners to gaze at in awe.

as a suggestion maybe some added shine and sparkle but honestly this probably doesnt need any changes


Some very nice 3-D

You have some nice 3-D creations and this is just one small example of the nice stylish 3-D, Would have been nice if you had some more backround detail maybe in the dim of the darkness, This type of art seems to be a lot of fun you can play around with different shapes, Though it takes a fair amount of skill to get it looking just right still shots of everyday items and life are great, They can capture different moods and perspectives of the ordinary and show it to us in a different way I love the use of darkness and shadows.

Would have been nice if you had some more backround detail maybe in the dim of the darkness


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