Love it
Now these four drawings or doodles are all pretty good and i can see why you scanned them they are abit more then just doodles they actually cameout pretty good, i think you should have gave them {ALL} funny quotes that related to them and there movies/shows, not sure what the first one was but it was great and you showed good detail in that one so nice job there, and you know me with color and backrounds i wont bring up backrounds but would have been nice with some color take the first one againthe spitting could have been {BLOOD-LIKE} something like that,I liked the woody and buzz in there being crude and rude in there old ways hehe i really like how you think and love some not all but some of your drawings, but besides that keep up the awsome drawings and in this case {DOODLES}..
The first one could have had some color to reflect some blood spitting, and you should give them all funny quote bubbles,