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Wow im really impressed with this one, not just because {PURPLE} is my favourite color, but you did an outstanding job especially with the {HAIR} fantastic line-work with the hair its very well detailed and shows, a real feel there, as for the {FACE} another great job, good texture allthough i thought there was too much {SHINE} on the forhead, but that may have just been the idea you wanted maybe the eybrows were abit much but the rest was a fantastic job great color great drawing and great texture so all around an awsome piece if i say so myself, i look forward for more drawings from you. so good luck on your next piece.

i would go with a little less shine.


Awsomeness and sexyness

Wow now i came across this by a random user and i was wow, very impressive and the black outfit is fantastic its almost perfect and very real, i love how she is sexy and even putting in an awsome backround but it doesnt take away from the girl or her sexyness this is for sure gonna be one of my faves but awsome job very well done as for improving i cant see anything to improve for my opinion its perfection and sexy in everyway so awsome job indeed, so again i praise you with great texture and color great drawing and all around an awsome piece, cant wait to see more of your work very soon, keep up the good work.

i love it just as is, more sexygirls would be nice but still its great as is.


Awsome color

Wow i really love the color on this its very {BRIGHT} and blends into becomming brighter, but again its one of the smaller size of your works, needs to be {LARGER} like i mentioned before with some of your other ones now i know your newer ones have some larger screen saver sizes, but ayways its a pink bunny and you can deffinantly see the {HEADS} in that aspect of things, the one thing i thought was off color would be the {GREEN in the center somehow it didnt seem to match up with the purples and such, but other then that its another great piece i thought, and would love to see more from you real soon, untill then good luck and keep the art comming.}

Needs to be larger maybe 1100x1400 or something around them dementions


LadyJava responds:

thank you.

Nice color here

Wow this one just kind of jumps out at you, i love the little {DESIGN}in the middle and while i love color artpieces you seem to have added some nice {BLENDS} like the warping feel on some of the stuff, and i have noticed you have gotton better with each new art piece you do comeout with so nice job there, Im thinking this should be larger though, seems abit on the {SMALL} size make it more like a desktop backround size or something, but other then that it was pretty good, keep up the good work, i look forward to reviewing more soon.

Make the size much larger, maybe have more of that design thats in the center broaden out more into the outer edges aswell.


LadyJava responds:

thank you.

Orb of color

I just love the color on this, and the texture seems to be its like a circle or like an orb of sorts, the differant colors seem to really balance out with everything else, the light from the {CENTER} could use abit more brightness to reflect more of a shine and more of a focus area, its all a pretty good piece of art the size should be bigger but i understand that this was one of your earlier works, but regardless its pretty nifty, so to improve on things you should possibly add more shine, make the size larger and add some deeper colors, anyways great first piece i thought.

So as stated before add more shine, make the size larger and add some deeper colors.


LadyJava responds:

thank you.

Very artistic

and so we have another decent piece here this one has some really good {TEXTURE} now the idea of the cat in a suit is pretty interesting, you seem to have this interesting style like hidden in the artwork with the flower like vines kinda makes it your own and you did this with this one wich was pretty decent, the backrounds were pretty neat, it all seemed to work together and made for some good artistic feel to it wich was a really nice touch and i liked it, Also nice touch on giving the backround a lighter feel to focus on the main parts of the character, so very nice job all around and i like your work and look forward to reviewing more of your stuff even your newer works anyways untill next time good luck.

Im thinking some {BORDERS} or frames would make this even better almost like a painting on a wall or something


Araelyn responds:

I thought about putting a border actually. This is such an old picture though, I doubt I'll revisit it. Thanks for the review!

Decent and colorful

This was pretty neat i love the differant colors used in this, allthough the {VOMIT} seemed abit on the blurry side? maybe that was the effect you were going for, but anyways back to the color theme like how everything had it own color, and still had the texture along with some great linework, and seemed to come all together, i think the only work of improving might be adding more texture and clarity to the vomit or if you like the blurr effect then blurr it even more, and maybe some differant texture in the pink backround, other then that its pretty impressive so nice work on this one, cant wait to see what you come up with next.

some backround texture and more clarity and change of texture in the vomit area


Araelyn responds:

Thank you!

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