
17,960 Art Reviews

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Very cool

So here with this piece you have a nice art piece love the action pose with the gun and all, it is great if I may suggest an idea or two I think some added backround and maybe even some gun fire, but besides that this was a welldone and unique character.

as suggested.


Very nice

Wow this was cool I am liking the lighting effect almost feel like more of a glowish effect would really focus on the fish and elemeants, it jumps out at you with a certain style of imagination and creation, the detail is pretty impressive. I even find this somewhat Mythical but whyle this review may Conclude soon you are most probably Accustomed to making Symbolic pieces

feel like more of a glowish effect would really focus on the fish and elemeants



Now this particular piece really shows off the deepness of the eyes so the emotion is there the lighting effect above his head is nice would love more lighting effects along with darker backing to showcase the effect more, anyways great stuff here.

the lighting effect above his head is nice would love more lighting effects along with darker backing to showcase the effect more



Well this was pretty good I love the too different variations, some lighting effects would have been nice maybe a darkened version even, I will for sure keep an eye out for more of your future projects, and hope you make more art real soon and count on me being here to review more of your work.

some lighting effects would have been nice maybe a darkened version even


A beautiful style

So you have a beautiful style of painting you really capture the eyes in this piece with a daze of passion staring off into something deep and you really captured that elemeant so props to you on such a fine painting, I look forward to even more from you as this was great stuff.

none needed.


abiliomagoo responds:

i'm finally back, after a year lost, I will start to post again, thanks for the review <3

Aways a pleasure

Well its always a pleasure to come across your work its always entertaining and well detailed and thats why no changes are needed, Some real work of art piecing everything together in this one, And so with this piece The fires of creativity burning within another inspiring piece, so nice work indeed

well detailed and thats why no changes are needed


A nice and cute piece

So here was a great character a cute like element and I love the ice like backdrop aswell as the double white borders the white borders are nice do wish there was some added detail within them, but you have really made a fun and detailed character here.

~~SUGGESTED IDEAS~~the double white borders the white borders are nice do wish there was some added detail within them


A cute piece of art

So this was a cute piece of art here and dont really see any need for any changes at this time, you really bring the detail aboard here, you bring some nice detail and nice effort, and the talent really shows so keep that up anyways nice work here.

cute piece of art here and dont really see any need for any changes at this time



So this was notbad at all, the variety of the two different characters is nice and the animation itself is really cool I love all the bright colors aswell, you have some great animationg and most of all art skills so props to you on this fine piece of art here.

none needed


Very nice creature

So the creature was cool the animation on the circular creature was even better, no changes in mind for this fine piece, I like this particular entry for many reasons but mostly because you seem to have added some good effort. So Finally I get to finish this Overview you gave some good Expression But anyways Nice job

no changes in mind for this fine piece


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