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ok so as a fan myself of the whole star trek era this was very amusing, i like how you have it set up top too bottom, and the frames are that of differrant from the normal ones, this was a pleasent and funny comic, you may want to add some faint backrounds nothing to take away from the comic focus but maybe in a faint color tone possibly showing reflections of scenes from the ship episodes and what not, and some more sci fi like borders wouldnt hurt either is always something new to throw in there aswell, anyways great piece i really liked this.

So some backround of fanit color tone could be places, and some nifty sci-fi borders maybe enterprise ships somehow, nice work all around i thought.

Very neat

Wow very nice, a very good sketch of vader maybe give im a more broader presance more dominating from the smoke, also i like the smoke like feel from the backround, but maybe some "EYES" in the distant of the backround, also having the sabre lit up would have been good too, just a few ideas to show more of Darth vaders Domination and evil that he brought to the films, So anyways i suggested some ideas, but the rest was great and a great idea you have here, anyways nice idea, hope to see more from you soon.

Well as suggested more prop stuff like the lit up sabre, and some more darkness like eyes in the backround and such.

This was decent

An apple with some arms and legs notbad of an idea there, i think it would have been even cute with just the face, but you did give it a unique, creation so that was neat, the backrounds could have some sorta backround, maybe other fruit in the backround but not colored might be an idea, but other then that, it was notbad, this was all good and i like the uniqueness of it all, so nice efforts and congrats on the frontpaged it was pretty neat, anyways nice job keep up the good work, now if i can suggest anything to improve on, i might suggest the backrounds as mentioned, but other then that this was notbad.

For some backrounds, maybe other fruit in the backround but not colored might be an idea

Love the color blend

I really like your style especially in this one with the lions head kinda neat and all since ima leo heh, but anyways love the color tones you had here keeping it related to backrounds and main character that was a nice blend, i think the whole piece is pretty good, but thought maybe you could have added some wave tones like lines or something from him beating on the drums, something along them lines would have been fine i thought, but really it was just right i thought, so nice job all around on this one, anyways good luck on anything new you are working and once again i love this blend of colors awsome job.

Add some lines or waves comming off the drum beaing.

I love it

Wow she is a beauty, and love the fact you used purple but i suppose thats her normal outfit now i dont know much on this Morrigan character but like i said she is a beauty, and you gave her a good shot of her, i guess you could say money makers hehe, anyways great backrounds nice form on her, maybe give her a more sultry smile or evil one at that, maybe even throw in some cute animal next to her, but anyways this was great and you did an almost perfect job, so keep up the great work, i love it. oh one more thing maybe add some more "SHINE" to her money makers, anyways untill then keep up the awsome art work.

So a few things could be better but honestly i thought it was all awsome, some suggestions are, More shine on her money makers, maybe a fluffy animal with her, a more evil or sultry smile.

Awsome, i love it

wow i am in love with this one, especially the head you did fantasticly well on bringing the lightng effects forward and really presented something very neat here, the colors really came forth aswell and love the purple tone here, the whole drawing just came together very nice i was glad to see this i have also faved this as its my newest fave of the day, so grats on this it was exceptional work, i loved every bit of it from the little details to the lighting efects to the sharp color use, anyways nice job on this make more soon.

So if i can suggest anything, maybe brighten it up with even more lighting effects but to me its perfect as is.


Wow now as a fan of zelda stuff myself i must say this was pretty impressive, you could even possibly make some "SPRITE" versions of all these i would think, but as for these you have some great stuff, the reprints cameout well, good textures of color, nice color base and awsome drawing detail, so very welldone on these, i liked every bit of your work here, some backrounds would have been nice but i understand these are just the characters. maybe atleast make them animated somehow, anyways nice work.

some small animations in here would be nice, or even some backrounds

lenkalamari responds:

everybody on the floor
betta get your groove on
run and tell the DJ
to play your favourite song

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