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Hmm notbad

Well I have to say I am a fan of these black and white sketchs and drawings and while I cant exactly make out the whole drawing here you have some nice lines and sketch lines the sharp edges and jagged element bring out the style more so I do enjoy this for the lines and linework, some color could really spice this piece up a tad but overall this was just a nice detailed piece.

some color could really spice this piece up a tad



so this was a nice piece of art and the bouncy animation made it even cuter, great flowing animation too I feel this needs no changes at this time, simplicity of it all, all a pleasure and enjoy to review stuff such as this you bring an interesting style of artwork to the portal and thats nice.

I feel this needs no changes at this time


Fun comic

So here was a nice comic you have here the thick black borders was kind of cool the comic itself was rather entertaining this is something you could ad a little color within it maybe even some design within the thick border, but as for the comic it was pretty nice, but besides that all has been said you have a nice comic element here and I hope you make more onto this submission.

this is something you could ad a little color within it maybe even some design within the thick border


Very detailed

So this was pretty nice and you really showcase some nice portrait heads here so nice job here, you have shown you know what you are doing and the talent comes thru with some nice visuals, its pieces like these that I have come to really enjoy.

no chnages are in need it is a fantastic piece



Wow this was some amazing work here I love how colorfull and vibrant this piece is you have some really nice work here, the color is nice the character design is pretty good the flames look very realistic here, you have some nice detail here and I was really pleased, your talent really shows off in this one so really nice energy in this art piece, anyways great stuff.

Since this is a paint style maybe ad some gallery element like some borders and frames.


Very nice

Gotta love pico and gang cant go wrong with these characters some awsome use of color aswell so awsome job here no changes needed, This was a number of things such as Artistic style, A class of its own, elegance of visual beauty, something you may only see out of an art book itself

awsome job here no changes needed


Great action scene

And some really great action scene good fire damge and you gave some intense emotion and this scene looks like it could be a real moment, I think she does need more scars and such to show shes been through a lot, but overall this was a really nice action scene here.

I think she does need more scars and such to show shes been through a lot


Wow nice

I have to say that color just jumps right off the page soe awsome job there great use of color in this character and backdrop, you have Dedicated some good energy into this, Alright so what has been done here today is you really showed the passion and detail and energy it takes to put a nice style like this one

none needed on a masterpiece like this


Great scene

This drawing was nice years later some people may not understand the fu but it is still a nice scene this drawing is nice and has some really nice element of a story here I love the drawing here a nice sketch even some nice detail here onlything I see adding onto this maybe more backround detail but overall this was a very nice drawing here and hope to see more of yuor talents.

Nice talents nice scene here no changes needed.


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