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Very intense

Wow for some 3-D this was really intense and really some deep visuals here that skin-tone was very nice and a nice texture the I think the jewelry and even sharp teeth could have a sparkle comming off of it somehow but besides that this was some fantastic three d work and very well done



So not sure who this character is but it's a fantastic idea even if it's just a random one made up the detail in the character is awesome the form is perfect the little critter with text bubbles also great that axe could use a shine and sparkle about it though a sparkle off the edge or blood nice idea here


Very nice

So this was cool I like this the texture in the clothing is really good and you have some nice style here the wording on the front of his shirt was just perfect lol I think adding a sparkle on the sword would be good just to show there's still some shine in it but other then that this was a fantastic piece I really like the detail here


Some cute characters

Well here was some cute characters here not sure if it was "PIXEL" or not but it was still pretty good, they all have a "UNIQUE" style of there own in there own way and im not familuar by any of them all I know is you did a good job on them with some nice detail added

maybe a shine sparkle on the halo


Very cool

As one who has been a fan on the "BEATLES" I have to say this was some nice "ART" you should actually slap spme borders on this like its a gallery piece, maybe make the heads larger but besides that this was pretty brilliant work you have done here, and hope to see more from you.

you should actually slap spme borders on this like its a gallery piece, maybe make the heads larger



Ok this one here, this one was a bit too busy for me. There is a lot going on here which is fine but there is also a lot going on here with everything being the same color, black, which can really make you get lost in the work. I feel like I am looking at Where's Waldo in this type of drawing here where I am trying to find out where what is where and just getting lost. This may also be due to the size of the images and characters as they are very bunched together. Now this is not to say your art itself isn't good. I think you are talented and the things you've drawn here are very good indeed, but it would do to maybe separate them a bit and add color to give some distinction to this piece but good job and good ink.

Some color and more spacing/separation of characters


Cyberdevil responds:

Mmm there could be some symbolism in that; getting lost in my world. :) Hidden messages was a bit what I was going for here, apart from just plain doodling, but with a more aesthetic eye I do get your feedback! Thanks for commenting.

Im an instant fan

So Im an instant fan of this one, the colors just "JUMP" out at you and the fact that this is "FUTURRAMMA" thats another plus on things but anyways like I mentioned on one of your other pieces ad some vibrant frames on this and let there be focus to the main visual, anyways really nice art piece here.

like I mentioned on one of your other pieces ad some vibrant frames on this and let there be focus to the main visual


Very intense

And here was a nice piece the "CHARACTER" is very fresh and sleek looking, love the backround even, I do think you could do some effects with the stars like some dim some brighter just my little tip though, So this is not soft by any means infact this is exactly as it should be, you added your own twist, And with flavor if I say so myself, so nice work here and hope you keep it going.

I do think you could do some effects with the stars like some dim some brighter just my little tip though


Kaxlene responds:

Actually those are sparks o . o but ill try that next time

Nice comic

wow this was actually pretty good I seen a few web-comics in my time and this was pretty nifty, I do think you should ad some tidbits of color maybe just the frames or title or just little parts here and there, but besides that this was cool, Things are set up and as this one is coming to an end, you have presented some interesting things here and I must say you presented it all in good fashion.

I do think you should ad some tidbits of color maybe just the frames or title or just little parts here and there


Another cool one

These these have some really nice "VIBRANT" color this one actually reminds me of the "SIMPSONS" but anyways very good work here, I think if you ad some frames and borders on these with vibrant colors it would reflect off the main focus, anyways really nice work here.

I think if you ad some frames and borders on these with vibrant colors it would reflect off the main focus


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