
17,993 Art Reviews

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Intact its awesome and has spoke very nice and deep colors I like how this drawings still has some linework in the backdrop. And the main character in full view. Very nice indeed

I would like to see some borders Mabel half just linework and the other half in shades or color


Awsome again

Aww this one is just as good as the others, i would love to see more detail in this one like the last one, how long do these take if i may ask? regardless you outdid yourself once again

Keep making the awsome 3d and let me know if you ever make new stuff ill be gladly to review more stuff


Nice alien

and another good 3d this time a nice alien you really put some detail into this one wich i like detail, and love the backround aswell, it seemed to all look pretty neat i like your style

Keep up the good work



Nice guns here they look wicked, i wouldnt mind seeing them with some bullets or something like shooting with some smoke and such, anyways once again you have outdone yourself

Nice job on the 3d stuff


nice 3d

This was some more nice 3d work from you the houses or storage inits looked good the geeps could use some more work the wheels look like they could be better placed on the ground

Another good piece here


Love it

wow another great 3d vision, this was neat love the the shape of this guy even down with his arms and such, it was even neat you put together some backrounds in there, anyways it was a pleasure reviewing this

No improving advice as it was just right


Oh wow

oh wow some very nice artwork here, this one is awsome just all the characters and just really stood out in the one the color also really shines out, i like your style and will enjoy seeing your other work.

To help you improve thats what i try and do on all my reviews but for you you dont need any of my advice its me who should take advice from you, anyways nice work


VidGameDude responds:

some good words man, ill take them to heart.

thanks for the review!


haha cute

Well yeah its me again, this was cute i know its just the start but looks good and seems cute, would love to see some borders on this like if it was some sorta poster of some kind, anyways nice job here

Maybe to improve on this add some borders of some kind like say if it were some poster design thingie anyways nice job


Manuel-Dangelo responds:

I'll see what I can do for the final vercion

i like your style

I like this and your style it has an old style cartoon feel kinda like that tion road runner. Probably because the art is smooth. Very good stuff here

Add more stuff like people attaking


The starting sketch

A decent work here and this is how it all starts out nice to see how its done from sketch to shading to final colored versions i had a pleasure revieing your art nice talant there keep it up

Awsome as always


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