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Really beautiful piece

This one speaks volumes here with all the Ray's of energy comming out of the violin as it's like energy and sound just jumping out here so anyways nice work on this one the character design is absolutely beautiful here and I really enjoyed your work here so make more soon I would suggest even more of that Ray's of light just teasing out maybe even in some added color too so really nice job here

More Ray's of light comming from the violin



This was something good here a nice sight seeing moment a top some building seems like the lighting could be better and have more glowing aspects about it better because you really have an opertunity to show the effects of lighting with glow and auras but regardless you have done some really nice work here on this one I like the style here on this one great charchter and great expression on his face with deep thinking as anyone would anyways really great work here some nice job here keep making beautiful art

More vibrant lighting from the city below


Nice bounce

Wow this was a really good bounce you have here some nice elements to the bounce you have that bounce flowing like the real thing also like the animation on the background stars rally some nice work here hope to see more

Not sure I would change stuff but if I had to maybe some color in the background stars


PaddleTone responds:

Thanks! I'll definitely be posting more in the future!

Really nice

And you have some really good detail in this one I especially love the teeth here and the colored ink was nice I thaught you did well and the color makes it come out so well so I'm impressed with this piece make more with this one

Maybe ad even more color



So this was cool maybe not as good as your other comic pieces but still a fun piece I thought it was rather interesting and a fun style here good comic element here on this submission I like this comic series you have going

Some added humor in this one would be nice



Now this was pretty intense here some nice "REALISTIC" view here I like the form of the character and the expression was just intense, Maybe some added shine and sparkle on the weapon she is holding, Very Impressive art style you have here this was a pretty solid piece you have covered alot of stuff and pushed the limits on this piece. This brings us close to the ending of the review so While this was notbad at all I wouldnt mind seeing more to it, it was generally a good and decent art piece and the effort does show, I like how you presented this and it was just pretty decent so nice job indeed.

shine and sparkle on the weapon she is holding


clayscence responds:

thank you very much for your input!! I really appreciate it :)

Love the detail

so this was a nice "BACKSIDE" view here very good structure on your "CHARACTER" love the use of reds but its all the extras you added the weapons the small details that really made this piece come alive, I would ad some more shine on the hair and maybe the weapon holders but this was some good work here.

I would ad some more shine on the hair and maybe the weapon holders


Beautiful pieve

Wow I am amazed with your talent on this "PIECE" and just love that "HAT" that is a nifty and unique style and you made it work, The blank backround could be touched up with some added backround or distance scene and props, the whole character was amazing with all of its beauty.

The blank backround could be touched up with some added backround or distance scene and props


cracker2eat responds:

Thank you so much for your comment :) I've taken your advice and my latest piece now at least have background :v


wow this was a beautiful piece you have here, the black and white along with some "RED" added, really nice work here you have a beautiful piece here, I like the style here and you are very talented it showcases all your talent here so really nice work here I enjoyed reviewing it.

Really have no suggestions for this piece it is showcased well.


A nice black and white

This was a nice "BLACK-AND-WHITE" drawing here and a nice "INKTOBER" entry the linework is pretty nice some nifty creations you have made here and it looks pretty amazing with all the stylish detail, I honestly dont know what I would suggest but If I had to suggest something I would say fill in the bland spaces just a tad, good work here.

If I had to suggest something I would say fill in the bland spaces just a tad


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