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So this was pretty good, "PIXEL" formmation in this "TILE-SET" of yours is pretty impressive, the deep detail of the pixel looks pretty good, I supose this is something you could use in a game or something, some added shine and sparkle wouldnt hurt, but nice job regardless.

some added shine and sparkle wouldnt hurt


Wow beautiful

Wow this was dark and "DEEP" even the "EXPRESSION" on luigis face was classic, I almost feel like her nails should be more red and maybe with a bit more shine to them, I Applaud you on this piece, So with this art piece the detail is really showing off well, and you are showing the effort aswell, and to be honest thats what I have enjoyed about this piece. you bring a certain Freshness and I am pretty. Supportive of this type of effort. So anyways now we end here in a bit on this piece, but you have made me a new fan of this style so on that note keep up the artistic styles.

I almost feel like her nails should be more red and maybe with a bit more shine to them


Very nice venom

So the "VENOM" here was very deep in detail the slober off the mouth and tongue was intense very deep detail here, I feel like the lighting from that back end could have been brighter and more dominant, Well its always a pleasure to see some good efforts pushed forward like this, there is actually alot to see, and the visual is a great one, You seem to have went all out on this with some nifty efforts in making something really good here so props to you on this piece. You have a great Desire of this style and seem Accustomed to it so easily, But anyways so nice work nice efforts and it was nice to see work like this in the portal, and I do hope you keep making stuff like this. and thats my Overview of it all.

I feel like the lighting from that back end could have been brighter and more dominant


Wow nice

So this was a nice piece and only took you a short time to complete it thats some nice "TALENT" the sketch along with color but overall this was just good stuff, I almost feel like more lighting should have come in from that right side, but really good work here hope you grace us with more of your designs such as this batman here.

I almost feel like more lighting should have come in from that right side


Nice detail

So here you had some nice "DETAIL" the fine detail of the leaves was pretty good, I would love some ink thrown on this maybe even some color and I would even slap a border on this, you have a nice black and white drawing here, so keep making up some nice work here.

I would love some ink thrown on this maybe even some color and I would even slap a border on this


Very Nice

Really nice work here, I thaught you did pretty well with this piece here, I did however think that red backround could have ad a bit of texture maybe even some shine, but overall this was a great character portrait piece so really nice work here, hope you make more just like this one.

think that red backround could have ad a bit of texture maybe even some shine



So this was cool I like that you presented two different pieces here and I have to say when I was younger I too wondered if thats how it was lol, but regardless you have presented a nice piece here very nice use of color here, great artwork here I really liked what you did here and was very impressed.

No changes it was a nice art piece here.



The painting here is really nice, love the "DEEP-COLORS" and the vines creating a really nice design aswell so nice job there, I think a small addition such as putting some glare on the glasses would have been nice you have some really nice work here, make more beautiful paintings.

I think a small addition such as putting some glare on the glasses


Very nice

I enjoy all your work this one here was a "MASTERPIECE" the blue and pinks are really nice work here, the reflection on the sword was such a great idea here, so I have no suggestions other then some added lighting effects beating down on the blue and pinks, but you have some amazing work here.

I have no suggestions other then some added lighting effects beating down on the blue and pinks


Another inktober

And here was another beautiful inktober this one of a clown was massively beautiful the ink work here was something from out of this world really deep detail even though it's some black and white you really push the smoothness of this all and I was pretty impressed with it all tobad it's not in color because some color would have really make this one jump out good anyways nice work here

Beautiful line work here very solid lines and details really nothing needs to be changes here you have a brilliant piece of art here


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