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Very nice scene

This was an amazing scene of work here, Adrenaline and keeping pace is what you have to do to stay in the race and that reminds me of this while that may not make sense It basicly means you have presented a beautiful scene of art here with a world created onlything I wish there was more of would be shines and sparkles all around on shiny points, lots of Kudo's your way in the future works, you have good Insight on some good ideas and concepts and detail but other then that this was actually a very beautiful piece of art.

onlything I wish there was more of would be shines and sparkles all around on shiny points


akalinsk responds:

Yes, you are right, the next time more highlights! Thank you for the feedback!

Wow nice

You really do some amazing work I have since followed you and added this piece as one of my faves, but back to the submission at hand, love that glow and vibrant visual would have been nice if the glasses and or eyes had an even more glow effect all around It has a nice and good visual effect so very nice work here, Now before I go, I do wish to say this was a pleasure to view and review, so please do keep doing what you do.

would have been nice if the glasses and or eyes had an even more glow effect all around It


Nice character

So this was actually a nice character you have here wish you had more going on in the backround besides just the white base, maybe even add in some shaines and sparkles on the armour etc I also understand this is a commission so it was probably meant this way.



This was nice

I really like the backround texture its very deep but also jumps out at you these kind of remind me of some vibrant poster, you could make a series of these with even more characters, This is filled with some quality value as well as some interesting art creativity A good days efforts and work with this one allthough it probably took longer then normal, but besides all that love the detail and color use nice work here.

you could make a series of these with even more characters


Nice work

Now this was some nice work its simple and love the cartoony element love all the frames on the side showcasing the death lol the art style is nice and love the colors used so nice job on this submission.

None needed here


sinnykitt responds:

Thank you so much!!<<3

Long time no see

Squash lock is different but the color comes in nice love that backround too, you have presented here is some really nice elements of artistic visuals Long time no see some locks for a bit but glad I was able to find some lock art here on the portal this particular piece was a nice find very nifty design of some lock art make more of these sometime.

None needed


Simple and fun

So I do like the simple and fun element of this one, the colors are not too dominating but fit in just right and the shadow points also a plus, so anyways keep up the good work.

Make more


Awsome B/W

This was an awsome black and white and you really do some nice work with the black and white style here love the shades and even the backround came off very well so nice job on this submission.

None needed on this piece



Ok cool some more adverts with some nifty arts now you always do some amazing character work and some really nice details the adverts are ok but not my most fave I do love the character though keep it going good.



Lock life

Cool its SBC and cant go wrong there, would have loved more backround besides the white lock artwork they are always one of my faves, always a fan of the lock adventures, such as the one you have created here and a good stylish art piece here with there adventure featuring some great and amazing locks, its art like this that I have always come to enjoy.

would have loved more backround besides the white


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