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Very nice

Seems like theres a lot of open space you could fill in with more line work, A nice drawing that just came off well and had lots of nice visuals. I dont mind that theres not much or any color on this and thats something you could always ad later, but the drawing itself is pretty intense, so as thats said keep up the good work its nice and solid.

theres a lot of open space you could fill in with more line work


Decent drawing

A nice art piece you should think about making the center of the eyes "GLOW-A-LITTLE", So this was a cool drawing now some color added would be nice, and I would love to see some added color here or there. while the black and white was the intent, this is still a pretty good piece of art even without some color but wouldnt hurt to ad some here and there.

A tad bit of color would be nice on this fine piece of yours. A nice art piece you should think about making the center of the eyes glow a little


Nice element

The theme here was nice now of course your charchter design here is pretty good those purplish gems or emeralds are nice maybe ad some sparkles on them you had some good design here hope to see more of your work soon

Some added sparkles


Another comic

And here was another comic here you outdid yourself with some nice addition here the color and charchters are all in place and make for an interesting comic strip here you should think about making more of these comic strips

Make more like these


Beautiful piece

I am loving the black and white on this but it's not just plain it has some sharp black and white to it so you did some nice work here and the borders on the frames we're pretty good too I think the outter border should be a colored border

As mentioned just above


Cool pixel art

Wow so beautifull, you really made it shine too, Would be nice if there was a shooting star in there as a focul point even, So you have some amazing pixel art here, I love how things tend to "BLEND" together here, the idea of pixel is pretty amazing and just jump out with the design at hand, so some really nice pixel art here I would love to see more of your pixel art and designs you may have in store for us.

Would be nice if there was a shooting star in there as a focul point even


Pleasent Piece

Alright so this one here was pretty "PLEASENT" I like the soft colors And Im really impressed with the backround design, I wish more artists did stuff like that, so for me this was a pleasent art piece and no major upgrades need to be done here, anyways keep making art.

so for me this was a pleasent art piece and no major upgrades need to be done here


Kind of crazy

You went all out and this one was a wild and crazy one great charchters here and a wild scene very nice small details that make this a big art piece all in itself so really nice job here so keep up the fantastic art

I like it as is


Amazing comic

So you do well with the comics here the detail is uncanny and I love how realistic the flames are very deep colors too onlything I would do here would make this comic much longer more to the story anyways

Just make this one longer


Nice view shot

This was an amazing view shot you have here the top view just created a beautiful view and props to you for making everything portionate but anyways great work here I look forward to even more from you

Once again you need no changes


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