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Beautifull design

Well first off the animation was very nice very fluid, the artwork itself was amazing I like the pixel element here too some really nice work, So I can see based on this art piece, that it seems while the making of it you had an appetite for creativity and it shows some good detail in your work, I could still see a few changes and fix ups here and there but overall this was a pleasent piece, So I have to say before I end this review that this has been a pleasure to review this piece here today its amazing as you are an amazing artist.

This one was fine as is.


Risenshiney responds:

Ahhhh, thanks a bunch once more!!!

Please tell me what could do with fixing! Its far from perfect, I may not tweek it, but I'd love to learn for future works!

Really nice

So the "ANIMATION" here was really nice work, I like the flow of it, you have a nice character but maybe the backrounds could use a tad bit of detail and details back there, Alright so we build and build and try and always get it just right you have done alot on this piece and showed us what success is really about, So with all that said I cant wait to see what else you showcase for us, but do want to give you a big pat on the back because in all honesty we the viewer never see what goes on behind the scenes of making something like this, and for that alone you deserve all the props in the world.

I like the flow of it, you have a nice character but maybe the backrounds could use a tad bit of detail and details back there


Really nice

Love the visual design on this one, and I really wouldnt know where to improve because you have already made a fantastic piece here, A Mythical Expression thats what I got from this piece it shines with expression and detail, you must be Accustomed with Desire and bring to the table some very nice ideas because thats what you have done here, Alright I have indeed enjoyed your art style here today as it was different, So as I end this little review here, I want to just say or in this case write that it was a pleasure to review your work.

I really wouldnt know where to improve because you have already made a fantastic piece here


A cool piece

wow I have to say this was nice, and the small "ANIMATION" was cute, you should think about adding even more animation even with the character, You have Extended your ideas and concept into the art portal here with this piece, as its a brilliant and fantastic piece of art, your Desire is Knockout and with this entry your art is Sizzling hot, and I was glad to have seen this submission, So as this review ends here I have to say that you really did make something special here, the energy shines bright on this one, and after all that said I enjoyed this piece.

you should think about adding even more animation even with the character


MincyMatsu responds:

Thank you for your words!
I may animate her, i can animate characters afterall, i am just very reluctant to share anything online, i may try this!

Really nice

So here was a nice piece of art and no major changes really need to be added or taken away it was a beautiful piece of art as is, Nice piece you even added a little Twist and that was an Exceptional and even Engaging idea, I am sure there is alot that goes on behind the scenes and alot that us the viewer never see, so you know the work is there, and I just have to say you deserve a big pat on the back as you bring out some nice quality like you have here, And I look forward to what else you may showcase for us in the near future. this was Remarkable.

no major changes really need to be added or taken away it was a beautiful piece of art as is


Very nice indeed

Some nice "PIXEL-ART" really nice pixel art here and the animation was simple but flowed well, I would suggest some type of detail in the backround maybe even some pateren of color or something, A very nice art piece you have here, I have to say this was not what I was expecting at first but it was really growing on me as you really braught this out so very nice work here. Would love for you to keep making great stuff like this. And so I will leave it at that, but do make more and present us with this lovely art style that brings many lots of joy including yourself, anyways nice work.

I would suggest some type of detail in the backround maybe even some pateren of color or something


MichaFrario responds:

Thank you for the kind words! I would definitely add more to this animation if I were to redo it today

Love it

So I really love this one, I think that "BOTTLE" the bottle could use a sort of shine on it would be a nice little touch up here, So first of all Iam an instant fan of your art style here this reviewer is pleased with the well structured and detailed piece here, anyways onto the review. But Finally this review has come to an end but I was glad to have seen this piece of art. You bring some Skillful ideas and Talent that are truly Remarkable with some very good vibrant elements, Anyways good entry here and I was pleased to review this piece it just shows off really well and shines with delight so nice work indeed.

the bottle could use a sort of shine on it would be a nice little touch up here



Very nice "CHARACTER" the backround was really bland and would love more backround detail or backdrop scene maybe some sort of pateren with a design even, So here is my Critique, I like this art piece because you have pushed the limits and covered everything on all fronts I like your style youo bring us here. Its like a sense of Exhilaration almost like a Mythical yet Delightful and Stylization Symbolic piece and that really does sum it up this was a nice artistic style of artwork. I hope you make more stuff like this because the portal needs unique and different styles such as this one, it has been a real pleasure to review this.

the backround was really bland and would love more backround detail or backdrop scene maybe some sort of pateren with a design even


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