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Another cool one

This pit people contest really showcased a lot of nice artwork and you can see the visual details in all the different character work here in this one and the deep colors really come out alive here especially love the green glow river

On that note like the river adding more sparkles and shines on the added characters woyld be another plus but overall this was a nuce combo of character work and detail really came alive so nice job indeed keep up the amazing work


Very unique

Now this was a very unique creature here the colors really jump out at you very vibrant and nice texture especially love what you did with the eyes almost feel like adding some neon like glow would have been cool but this is also pretty cool so nice job indeed and hope to see more of your designs anyways nice job


Very detailed

There is something about this piece that really jumps out and you really bring on a detailed texture depth especially how the clothing flows or swaggers across so nice element of detail there.

the buckle seemed like it could use more shine and sparkle to it also maybe adding some sort of backround element or some acene going on would have been a plus here some nice work indeed and overall i found this to be an awsome work of art and good character detail


Very nice detail

I like the action mode you have with this one and the weapons and gun fire really make this one jump into action i do think some added backround scene would have been a nice touch here very nice lines on the design a good art pice and creature indeed


Very cool

I have to say this was some really nice design and you really bring on some nice details a hip character some nice logo themes and some nice shades to follow it all came together well

The color is another great element to this with all the vibrant colors and shadow work that follows overall this does not need any changes as you really pushed the details here and its just a colorful piece of art so props to you on a beautiful piece anyways keep making awsome stuff



Well this was certainly a good pose and you can capture the smooth form and shine of it all a good character indeed with some very nice character details and just a beautiful character design


Nice galaxy

Galaxy designs and scenes always are nice especially with lumminating effects it opens up a vast creative mind such as you have done here and i was pretty pleased with this piece love the use of color and star elements

Looks like in this piece some sort of element and creature is warping through and again some nice lighting elements made this even better so nice work indeed and hope you make more like this one



So here was some good character work i especially love the darker colors here and the lighting even lumminating effects really play a good role here love what you did with the hands too while giving the character some n8ce facial expression

A very sleek design with cool effects make for a stylish portrait piece very good elements here and was pleased with the whole piece so really nice work indeed hope to see more



So this was pretty cute i like the soft tones and such some good lines and with a darker backround it really accents the character would love some added borders and or frame on this but overall some nice work indeed so keep up the good efforts


Awsome work

Now this was some awsome work i really like the visual effects on this some very detailed piece with an amazing visual as a portrait piece done feel it needs any type or any more additions or changes anyways nice work indeed


~X~ RECORDS: First user to reach 3k/4k/5k/6k/7k/8k/9k /10k/11k/12k/13k/14k 15k/16k/17k/18k/19k/20K/21K/22K/23k/24k/25k/26k Reviews. CURRENT #1 REVIEWER* Since 2002

Age 51, Male


Joined on 1/17/01

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