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Now this is pretty awsome i love me some comics you really went all out on this comic piece bringing some good element in pencil with some awsome shading and fine pencil detail and it all cameout very well really loved this piece even as a whole and a comic element

All the black and white is nice and fine detail i think some added colored frames would accent this very well just a small idea but overall you have a very good comic style here love the detail of it all. Anyways keep up thw good work and good efforts



This was something different i like the pose and the lighting effect really comes to play with this one i do think some added backround details props and what not would be a plus on this piece but overall its some good work


Very nice

This was a really nice piece you really pushed the lighting effects but it came off well i think some added points on this like some added dimmed stars even as it turns lighter due to daylight some speckles of stars would be a nice reflect on this

But honestly you have created a beautifull snowy and cold element might even be cool with some snow fall or footsteps on the ground but honestly this is a beautiful piece of art and really talented details especially the lighting effects anyways awsome job here


A beautiful piece

This is a beautiful piece of art the fact that its oil based is another plus on this piece i have no changes in mind for this piece but its a beautiful piece of art work here


DrSevenSeizeMD responds:

Thanks yo! The first work with oil paint I ever did. But I gave it to "someone I used to know" and they have long since thrown it away. 🙂

Very beautiful

This is a mighty look upwards from the town to the giant mountain top then even the bridge way up there kind of reminds me of a deep textured game and all of its element the dark color and structure really jumps out at you as it all blends so well within eachother from part to part nice job on the design part of it all

As we know you have showcased your talent and a brilliant design here i think some lighted points and or effects may have accented this piece even more as it could show life in all parts all around but thats just a small idea its a beautiful design regardless and love the texture and design of it all keep up the amazing work


Nice work

Color jumps out would have even loved to see some of the colors flicker even, So with this one the colors are really belending very well as you have a way with colors to really make this one come alive so nice job there and props to you on such a nice piece I really liked this one you have some nice talents, anyways it was a pleasure to review this piece.


A nice character

So here was a nice character and you have always made some decent characters this particular one was pretty good love the subtle features and details, really nice pose too it was a nice piece indeed and a great character design so nice job here.



A wild piece of art here, you have some nice work here I love that alot is going on here, really beautiful with lots to see you really push the details to give it some nice vibe and energy really nice work indeed and hope you make more like this soon.


Nice work

From the start of this piece its nice with all sorts of color good character designs nice details within the whole piec, I even think the arrows could have been animated even in this art piece, you have presented of good quality here but seems the score could be better. This was pretty groovy if you ask me, so keep that up. its all good stuff and please do make more of this type.


Love this piece

I fell in love with this art piece and even added this fine piece on my faves list, I have reviewed many kinds of art pieces from the worst to some average ones to the best ones out there, And this entry would be right up there with the best and unique pieces, its not perfect but its unique in its own way I do love the circular element here even think adding a cicular border would be a plus its pretty fun aswell as some good fun comes with this one. keep up the good work and let it Thrive, and Thrive it will with your talent at hand, anyways keep making amazing art pieces like this.


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