
17,993 Art Reviews

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Very smooth

This was some very smooth art here a nice and steamy character with nice lines and curves, the black and white theme is always a plus here with this one and I really enjoyed your character work here, and love that you push out a lot of detailed characters.


Wow this is amazing

So first off you do some amazing work and you really made this one jump out with a nice style, the character is great love the fading leaves and such, as an addition some sort of frame or border, you have an interesting style here and I really enjoyed it so please do keep it up and make more.



Well let me get this review started, A nice skellie or in this cae a lynchguard Love the greenish eyes would have been nice if they were more glowing or even animated as one can do on these art pieces nice shades all thoughout the character with nice details added, you have submitted something fun and interesting here, you have also kept my interest and made for an enjoyble experiece so please do keep up the good art works.



So this was cool and this was notbad at all just wish this piece was larger then it would allow for more backround detail but the character at hand is pretty good, I am enjoying the pose here, great character structure with your nice talents anyways nice job.


Very nice

This was like a 3/D model of sorts but you really bring on some nice ideas here with this model here would love to see you do a full house and such but guess this is perfect for a game type, but regardless love the sleek lines and details within so nice work indeed, I look forward to even more from you.



A nice combo of characters here and some nice light backround to accent the details of the characters here so nice job in that sense, Some added shine on the hair would be a nice touch, So ultimately I was not even looking for anything special today, just some random portal entries but thats before I came across yours, This has a swanky and divine touch it you have a good entry here it should bring joy for years anyways moce combo of character work here.



Another fun and entertaining one with tye countdown once again you bring out the humor and execute them well so nice job indeed this was pretty entertaining and loved the use of color here



Another fun issue this time the missing hour and you seem to have executed it well very colorful frames and a fun humor moment on this one so nice issue once again really entertaining



I like your style of this submission there was alot to see and it was overall fun so great job all around, These are the type of art pieces I really enjoy because they bring alot of value to the table such as this whole scene creates a whole movie like moment or you could even run with these creatures and characters on a long running comic of sorts, Very creative nice creatures and you made that happen here today on this one, so really this was a pleasure to review. do hope you make more because this particular entry has a lot to offer and was fun and entertaining ofcourse so nice job on this submission.


Nice characters

you have some nice ideas and you have presented them well and I am pretty pleased with this entry you have here You have raised the bar on this submission You do have some nice submission work here, These two characters look good nice pose I do wish there was some added backround depth, but overall you have really created a nice entry here, and hope to see more soon.


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