A cute one
This one is a cute one with some fun uses of color and very vibrant and still made it to be comical and thats a plus on this one so really liked it so once again nice job here anyways keep up the fun pieces.
A cute one
This one is a cute one with some fun uses of color and very vibrant and still made it to be comical and thats a plus on this one so really liked it so once again nice job here anyways keep up the fun pieces.
Came out nice
This one came out nice so did the foamy one i really like the dark element of it all you made it look good all darkened up too. I do think that a somewhat lighter backround might have more focus on the portrait piece.
Even throwing on some related frames and borders would really work well but thats just my opinion. Overall this was a nice character and portrait piece so keep doing what you do because its always a pleasure to see the work you bring out.
Wow nice
Well first off before i get started here you always do amazing characters the pose you had in this one was just amazing very dynamic like she is ready for action i really liked it.
The backround was nice and fitting but almost feel like more could have been added maybe a city drop back of some type i think even adding a fancy border would accent this too. But anyways another awsome character here.
These are nice
Sketches and drawings are always nice i like your work here. Even if they are small drawings they came out well and really impressed with the small details so nice job there. I think you could even do something in color maybe a fancy frame. But besides that this was a nice entry with some good drawings
Always glad to see you here bud, these are unfortunately some of my oldest and (unfortunately) cringe ones! But thanks so much either way!
I like the meaning this one gives off with the two sides atleast thats what I get from it, the colorful one has the sad face and the black and white has a happy smile so that was an interesting take on things, there is no changes that come to mind on this one as you did some nice work with this particular one, but with all that said this was a good lil piece here.
none needed
Thanks man :)
Very nice
So I know this is an energy piece and synergy nerves but I have to say your checker board or chess board was really nice would have been nice if you had finished your ariginal idea for that part of it, but I do like this idea too, I would have thrown in some chess pieces I love me some chess and checker board stuff as I have dont lots of art in that aspect of things, nice work here regardless.
I have to say your checker board or chess board was really nice would have been nice if you had finished your ariginal idea for that part of it
Seems like it's easier to draw the board than the pieces on it. XD Good idea tho.
So this was notbad not sure what to think of what this might be but it was more of an interesting design, the backround and subtle circles was a nice little detail the black colored design was interesting but maybe some added shine on it or some sort of sparkle to ad to a bit of the detail, overall this was still a nifty piece just something odd and strange but cant go wrong with that.
Maybe some added details as suggested.
Symbolism. ;) Though for sure this one's one of the simpler ones...
Haha nice
Ok so this one was great I love the double meanning on this one its a couch potato lol nice color nice deopth to the colortones onlything I would ad would be some simplistic backround element maybe even a color or something doesnt need to be complicated but something simple might be nice, but regardless this was a really nice piece of artwork here, make more in the near future.
some simple backround
Glad you liked it. :) Additional detail necessities noted, I think it'd look better too, probably rushed these a bit.
So here was someing different I like the bright yellow, seems simple you could ad some subtle shine like some of your other pieces, but I do have to say this was simple and fun to review and ofcourse review, and simple is ok not everything has to be complex, you have some nice style of art even this style, anyways nice work here, hope to see more from you here down the road anyways until next time keep it real.
Maybe some added shine points.
Seems to be the simplest things I make the most of. :) Thanks for the feedback.
Nice so this was kind of cool seems like it might not have too too long to make but then again seems like it might have, lots of black and white and grey specs to make up the static effects wich does look like static from some tv sceen or something so in a way it does look realistic so I found it to be pretty good work here a nice art piece here and a nice inktober element.
A nice inktober element no changes needed.
Yeah it's one of those motives that probably doesn't justify the amount of time that went into it, not that special a thing after all, but glad you saw the detail!
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