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A Madness element

I really like this portrait likeness, I do think if that backround had layers of red would standout more Well you cant go wrong with some madness art and you sure have created some nice artwork here with this madness theme, I like the madness element and you made the details shine with nice linework and shine points so nice madness theme of art on this piece.


A maddness submission

A nice diogram design of the Madness anatomy you bring some good detail on this art piece here some nice shapes and details some nice madness visuals here really nice this is A maddness submission that really jumps out at you with all the madness element you push here some really good work here.


Really enjoy this

Love the camera view on this one Well I Really enjoy this one the madness view point on this is nice and especially love the efforts and details on this one, you have some nice talents and you showcase the art well so was pretty impressed with your art style and the madness element, nice job.



This was notbad a thumbnail maybe but some good character work and a nice fashion police theme here overall this was simple but very good character work I might suggest adding more depth to the fashion police theme, anyways this was some nice work here


A madness element

Lots of action with the combo of characters here great effects too you have a masterpiece of madness here, This is like a madness like no other, props to you for a very uniqie art piece you really dwelled into the deep detail here and those are just a few things I took away from this fine art piece of your talents.


Cool madness

Very nice work here might have been cool to add on some glow on the goggles A little madness can go a long way and thats what you have created here with this madness piece I look forward to even more from you, here was some nice madness art you can never have too much madness, but anyways props to you on some nice work here.


Very cool

So this was a fun character here and well detailed love how you added in the backround some more depth of the character with the headshots, really made for more detail into the character very nice dark shades and overall some nice art character lines and talents here.



I found this pice to be very colorful and while I have not heard of these characters this was pretty solid and a nice colorful theme you have here, but most of all some fun characters but really enjoyed the color you have added within this piece.


JhonnyKiller45 responds:

Thanks bro

Some wild madness art

The lasor beams was a nice touch on this some good effects in this piece Some nice madness art that is showcased here, the visual is nice and some nice vivid detail on this creation, Some wild madness art here its an interesting take on the madness creation and you have done a pretty decent job on creating it as a whole, so nice creation.


Cant complain about this

This was more of a simple madness love the red and the grey element with this one, was pretty impressed with your art style and the madness element, and Cant complain about this style as you pushed the details all around and hey its madness a great art topic of choice, I really came to enjoy your madness artwork here and look forward to even more in the future.


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