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This was a cute character you had here love the texture and shine on the orange and really pops off well with this character some kind or type of backround would be a plus here, but its a fun and cute character design hope you make more like this fun character.


A nice sexy character

Well you cant go wrong with Jessica Rabbit and such a beautiful visual very smooth lines you really have a nice form here What a sexy character here you sure do know how to bring the form all together A nice sexy character love the vivid detail really nice visual here with the artwork I like your style here it is really nice form of the character.


A madness at its best

Love that its in black and white with some nice shades and such, So this was a nice madness film here with all the madness element at its best, this one was pretty good and you bring some good detail on this art piece here some nice shapes and details some nice madness visuals here really nice work I like madness and like this art piece even better.


Really nice

This is a nice painting here really brings out some nice detail too the face really comes out very nice i love the paint style and how the detail jumps out at you but besides that you have some really nice art works here

I do think adding in some added frame with a simular design as the color of the face and or a fancy border if the same type not that its needed but would be a plus on this one so a very good portrait piece here with a beautiful paint style here anyways keep up the good art works


Another amazing one

I remember reading this comic ways back and it was always adventures with all sorts of stuff just like it is now some good frames good action i would love some added comic style bops splashes etc but for what it is you have a really nice comic going here cant wait for the next so keep doing what you do best in the comic works


Colorful and cute

A beautiful character lots of vibrant color that really jumps out at you these sharp colors all work well trancending into each new piece making the outfit on the character really pop off very well i really like this character and all of its color and detail

And speaking of detail you have really added some nice detail to the outfit and mixed in with the color works out well and some very good character design the visual here just pops off very well so props to you for that also love the shine added but besides all that this was a fantastic art piece here really enjoyed so nice efforts on this piece



This portrait piece kind of reminds me of the eighties that was one part if the eighties with all its colors and to me anyways seems like you input that here a nice form of the character a good pose nice smile and expression even the eyes are sparkling so a nice portrait indeed

Now with all that said in my opinion of course adding on a frame or border might accent this even more then it already is like a colorful related fancy frame since it is like a portrait but besides that this was some nice work here very talented entry so keep doing what you do


Wow Beautiful

Wow this was a beautiful sight with all that red dust could almost seem like hes flying on the red planet i think more red sand could be flying up in the air also think the backround aky could have a bit of reddish glare in the backround but the clouds really came off well very nice indeed

Its pieces like this that really jump out at you the plane flying through the rocks and sands just creates a nice scene and seems like there is a deeper story or adventure and in that case you could really create more to this but for what it is its a beautiful art piece and a fantastic submission


Very nice

A proper dino a very beautiful painting with some nice outter visual and the paint style is pretty good and you really have some nice skills and talents always nice to see a dino in a proper way like this so really nice work indeed hope to see more down the road it is a beautiful piece


I like it

This was cool i love the colorful theme you have going on and while the backround was simple i could see you adding in some more color or plant like element but regardless this was a nice catopillar or something of that nature so nice job cool submission keep up the good work


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