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Pretty amazing

This was a whole other take on the pit people element bring a nice zombie element made it even better and the colors really jump out at you with a nice combo of character work here its like a great action scene taking place this was a nice entry here

I even think the backround scene with the zombies in the back end are a nice touch i do think more of them and even added glowing eyes in the far backround would have been a nice plus here but overall you have created a beautiful entry for the pit people saga i had fun with this submission so props to you on a job well done


Nicr portrait style

This was cool and like that it is its own portrait style and love what you did with the stash here very uinique and of course those eyes another nice touch of things really a nice and creative art piece here really enjoyed the style and texture too so props to you for something very creative a plus here.


Very nice

Another fun and simple entry but dont get me wrong the simple design has a unique outlook as his expression tells a story from the window, the character is cute and fun and you bring this whole piece together very well, So I found this entery to be alot of things but mostly it was interesting, it kept me wanting to see what else you had in store, but I can see with this kind of stuff you have me hooked and even wanting more, So its a very Acceptable entry and I look forward to more work from that mind of yours, the creative world you bring into the portal is amazing.


Bertn1991 responds:

Thank you, friend. Your thoughtful comments are appreciated.

Cool character

You are very capable of making some good things as you have done so here, I ran into some interesting things and on this character really loved the view like she is looking down at us so that was a real plus on a visual side, , You have a groovy entry here, and ultimately can be some top notch stuff, so untill the next great art entry and review I bid you farewell.


A classic commission

A great character love what you did with the hand here kind of jumps out at you you bring on some nice energy and good vibe here on this commission work and for this commission work you have done a fantastic job, the commission work is intense and showcases your talents very well, besides all that said you have impressed this reviewer.


A very unique and wicked deisgn or pattern

The cube box design was a good idea you could make different variations too Wow this was a very deep patern here, A very unique and wicked deisgn or pattern you have created here some nice elements love the effects you have on this piece you have a great imagination and showcase the nice line work here on this nifty design.


Such a unique design

Wow I love the eye in the middle and the different textures really pop out well A very unique patteren or design regardless I was really impressed with this, such a unique design you have created here with this one, its not every day one gets to find such a great piece such as this one so please do make more like this and I would love to review even more of your work soon.


Unique and different pattern

Love the color on this circular design Well this was a Unique and different pattern style of patern you have made here I like the amount of flavor and stylish detail you have pushed forward with this one, some really nice detail all around you have a very creative style based off of this style.



So my Initial response to this is its a decent start its interesting, and I like what you got here, I didnt find any Lackluster parts but as I do review this if I find some new things pop up all the time and thats what makes this unique even the animated parts, So just wanted to throw that out there, and keep bringing creative worlds alive.


Sunny days

So before I get started here, so all that here was a divine and positive visual and i liked that, The character work was nice the blue one seems like she is ready to melt in the sun nice backround too You have Processed a good piece of art here. and hope to see what else you are capable of, allthough whatever you make in the future im sure will be solid.


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