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Oh nice

So with this one it was pretty cool, the "ART-STYLE" was something artistiuc the character is very large and in charge, Some added shades and textures within your unique art style would be pretty nifty, So what you have done here today is bring something artistic to the portal not everyone can do that, but thats what I see here on this day. This Radiates a lot of things especially a Twist of Expression Emitting from this piece is some unique style about it, even gives off a mysterious effect about it, But thats what caught my attention on this one. So very nice Presentation you have presented here today.

Some added shades and textures within your unique art style would be pretty nifty


This was pretty decent

I like the "CASTLE-CRASHERS" theme here that gem on the head is a nice touch my tip here is have that glow and sparkle a tad bit,a dn some added backround would also be a nice touch, your character design is pretty nifty though and I am pretty impressed here.

my tip here is have that glow and sparkle a tad bit,a dn some added backround would also be a nice touch


Great stuff here

Well this was an all around great character here, you really have some tallent when it comes to character design here with the detail here, This was a bit different and kind od nifty, I wont ad any filler here just want to state that this was a bit on the different side but thats what I enjoyed about it. A nice piece of work you have crafted up and glad I checked the art portal to find this little gem, its a pleasure to find gems such as this one. because this one is trully a great gem found in a hay stack, so keep up the awsome work.

This one does not need any advice its a beautiful design as is.


A nice princess

So here was a nice "PRINCESS" really love what you have done here with the backround and added a visual there almost like she is comming out of it, seems like you could still ad some sort of borders on the outter edges though, anyways great character design here this was pretty cool here.

seems like you could still ad some sort of borders on the outter edges though


UnityPress responds:

I assume you mean the background element itself needs a border? It's a good idea and one I'll suggest to Rif to try out the next time we're doing a quick paint :) Thanks for the feedback, its genuinely helpful!

And i'm certain the character's owner will be happy to receive more compliments XD

Nice design

So there was some nice design going on here with this one, I do think you need more stuff like action of war and such in the backround, just more stuff in the distance, but besides all that you have done some amazing work here and was really impressive.

I do think you need more stuff like action of war and such in the backround, just more stuff in the distance


CapnJ responds:

Thank you for some useful criticism! I haven't thought about the details of action of war. I might draw something more like this in the future!

Love the color

So I really love the color on this one, and the character just there in that pose is pretty nifty too, some really nice work here, So in some form or another I can envision this being a part of some movie or flash game some element or another, but you made it that way and thats what was cool and what I liked about it. So by clicking on this piece of art, it tells me I have not seen all that the art portal has graced us with, and your artwork here is an example of that. so keep doing what you do because its a blessing to all of us.

I dont see any need for any changes on something pretty awsome.



So nice character here and nice little visual of her pose, I did think that some added backround element would have been a plus here, and make her braclet sparkle or shine more, you have some nice design on character detail now a few additions would also help but overall this was pleasing on the eye.

I did think that some added backround element would have been a plus here, and make her braclet sparkle or shine more


Interesting group of characters

So these are some interesting group of characters if you have a web comic you should post them here because these characters are pretty nifty,some added details like the eyes could have more of a glow and maybe more texture in the skintone, but overall this was pretty good detail of some character designs.

if you have a web comic you should post them here because these characters are pretty nifty,some added details like the eyes could have more of a glow and maybe more texture in the skintone


SoulFireDragon responds:

been thinking of doing that actually! owo expect some of my comic to be posted here soon!

I love this

I love the "CRYSTAL" like visual you have here and you did a fantastic job on the "EYES" since it was ice and cold maybe you could ad some shines, and glsitering sparkles, the look of this piece could mean several things it has a certain uniqueness too it, but then again it has a simple nature about it aswell. And you let it Bloom in its own Satisfying way and I hope this Feedback will give you as much Exhilaration as it gave me, You have for sure pushed the efforts and shown us that effort in full force and its always nice to find gems like that in the art portal.

since it was ice and cold maybe you could ad some shines, and glsitering sparkles


Very nice

So this was once again one of your night and more unique creations I am loving the texture and blends on this one you have a great creative side with your artwork and I like it all anyways keep up the amazing work here anyways untill next time

Really nothing to change here


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