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Very good stuff here

I think you should ad a small sparkle on the crown of the middle princess, Deep detail. well thats from my perspective of things I do like the idea of this and you gave it some nice depth and good detail, I was really impressed with this piece as a whole, you Ignite the Endless ideas in this one, Never like ending reviews when the visual is pretty good, but anyways before I do end this I do want to say this was a pleasure of a viewing. I love the Polished blend you bring to the art table here.

you should ad a small sparkle on the crown of the middle princess



Thats one "ANIME" that is still ones of my faves and you created an element from that so nice job you should create more characters, You have some Dedicated ideas and art work here, So it was a pleasure reviewing this piece and I hope one day to review more of your work as I thought it was a unique piece, This just Radiates a blend of unique style about it, so keep up the positive ideas and effort. This was actually a very Refreshing piece that I have come to enjoy very much, and just hope you can grace us with many more entries.

you should create more characters


cyangorilla responds:

Thank you! I'll see if I can do more of the cast :o

Nice 3-D

This was a nice "3-D" element you have here on this one, wish you had more stuff in the distance of the backround, This piece Radiates with a vibrant style of detail and energy, very well placed elements that really bring this all together, you have a good Expression of creativity, and I was impressed with a number of areas. So keep Dedicated ideas and Refreshing concept for future projects just like you have done here, very pleasing on the eye here it is a fantastic piece you have.

wish you had more stuff in the distance of the backround


Really nice work

Love this character "DESIGN" Would love some shine and sparkle on her body armour, You have the Desire to make something awsome and thats what you did here today, Not everyone is always Accustomed to that, but my Overview is that you bring a blend of ideas and put them all together with some nice art style and or idea and make it work well, And thats just one thing that I have enjoyed about this piece, very talented in the ways of art and style, and honestly hope you keep making brilliant stuff like this and bring more ideas like it to the portal as you have done here on this one so nice work here indeed.

Would love some shine and sparkle on her body armour


Fresh looking

This was a "FRESH" piece of art here I like your "BORDERS" too very nice work here, So as my Overview review of this Concludes soon, I will say that This really captures the aspect of this piece It is very subtle but apparent at the idea and concept of this submission, And very acurate, and I think this is creative for blending the styles of art and design as you have done here today. You have shown us that all it takes is a Twist here or there, but anyways hope you have enjoyed this Critique.

Make more fresh art like this.


This was an interesting piece

So its batman but was pretty interesting, the "FROUN" on the face was interesting, the color was notbad on this one, maybe a small subtle border would be nice on this simular to the backround would be nice, but overall you have a nice piece of art here and I was pretty impressed with this piece.

maybe a small subtle border would be nice on this simular to the backround would be nice


cute and adorble

So im not sure who the character is or from but it is a cute and even "ADORBLE" little character here, the eyes are nice and I could see some "SPARKLE" added onto this one well the eyes, but you have a nice character here well designed and again adorble.

Some sparkle added onto this one well the eyes


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